Item Coversheet
Council Meeting Date:  7/22/2019

Department:  Engineering

Department Head: B. Caleb Thornhill

Agenda Coordinator:  Lauren Higgins


RFB No. 2019-0465-B for Screening Wall Replacement - Coit Road, Independence Parkway, Rainier Road and Legacy Drive, Project No. 6892, for the Engineering Department to Ratliff Hardscape, Ltd. in the amount of $3,399,205; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved



FISCAL YEAR: 2018-19 & 2019-20 Prior Year
(CIP Only)





Budget 338,330 1,316,670 3,525,000 5,180,000
Encumbered/Expended Amount -338,330 -184,769 0 -523,099
This Item 
0 -500,000 -2,899,205 -3,399,205
Balance   0 631,901 625,795 1,257,696

FUND(S):  Street Improvements CIP



Funding for this item is available in the 2018-19 Street Improvements CIP and is planned for future years.  Construction of the Screening Wall Replacement - Coit Road, Independence Parkway, Rainier Road and Legacy Drive project, in the amount of $3,399,205, will leave a project balance of $1,257,696 available for future expenditures on this or other Street Improvement projects.


The Engineering Department accepted bids on June 19, 2019 for the Screening Wall Replacement - Coit Road, Independence Parkway, Rainier Road, and Legacy Drive project. This project includes four (4) locations: Coit Road from Carmichael Drive to approximately 150 ft east of Elliot Drive; Independence Parkway from W. Park Boulevard to approximately 150 ft north of Mollimar Drive; Rainier Road from Legacy Drive to Seabrook Drive; Legacy Drive from 275 ft west of Marchman Way to Harvey Lane. The project generally entails replacement of existing screening walls, concrete pavement and sidewalk at the four (4) locations. The scope of this project is comprised mainly of the reconstruction of the following: 3,717 SY of sidewalk, 5,930 LF of screening wall, 5,579 SY of 6” alley pavement, and 268 SY of 8” street pavement.


The lowest responsive, responsible bid was submitted by Ratliff Hardscape, Ltd., in the amount of $3,399,205. There were a total of fifteen thousand and fifty-three (15,053) vendors notified of this project. Three (3) complete bids were received for the project as shown in the attached bid recap.


If this project is not awarded, neighborhood infrastructure at these four locations, including screening walls, sidewalks and alleys will continue to deteriorate leading to increased future maintenance costs and a reduction in the quality of life for residents.

Strategic Plan Goal:

Financially Strong City with Service Excellence, Great Neighborhoods - 1st Choice to Live

Plano Tomorrow Plan Pillar:

Built Environment, Economic Environment


DescriptionUpload DateType
Bid Recap7/9/2019Bid Recap
Location Maps7/9/2019Map