Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 1/11/2021
DEPARTMENT:Special Projects
DIRECTOR:Peter Braster, Director of Special Projects
AGENDA ITEM:Public Hearing and consideration of an Ordinance Approving Downtown PID Levying of Assessment 
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Items for Individual Consideration


Public Hearing and adoption of Ordinance No. 2021-1-7 to approve the levy of a special assessment for the Downtown Plano Public Improvement District; approving an assessment roll and levying an assessment for 2020-2021 at a rate of $0.15 per $100 of appraised value on real property in the Public Improvement District; and providing an effective date. Conducted and adopted


On November 12, 2017, City Council approved renewing the Downtown Plano Public Improvement District (PID) for an additional five-year period. Overwhelming support for the PID continues to grow, as it benefits property owners and enhances recognition of the area through PID-funded events and beautification. Which is why the existing PID members sought to expand their borders in the Fall of 2019.  On December 9, 2019, Council acted upon the successful petition effort and approved the expansion. On November 9, 2020, Council approved the 2021 Assessment Plan and Service Plan.


The Downtown Plano Public Improvement District (PID) is made possible by an assessment levy on property owners in the District.  Property owners are assessed $0.15 per $100 of appraised value on taxable real property. The assessment levy supports additional services and events executed within the PID.   


The 2020-2021 Assessment Roll illustrates a collective assessment of $143,929. Based on 2017 Collin County Appraisal District values, assessments are levied at $0.15 per $100 of appraised property value. However, assessments are updated to reflect the year in which a property may change ownership or $200,000 or more in improvements are made to a property. Those updates are reflected accordingly on the roll. There is also a $25,000 assessment cap on development projects. 


This proposed assessment levy, along with the City’s $50,000 contribution will assist in continuing valuable services, events and beautification projects implemented in the Downtown PID. The 2020-2021 budget for PID activities is $217,589. The budget does include FY2019-2020 carryover.    


Staff recommends that City Council approve the assessment roll and levy. Approval would prompt staff to distribute assessment notices immediately following the ordinance’s approval.


This item approves the levy of a special assessment for the Downtown Plano Public Improvement District, which includes the City of Plano's contribution of $50,000 to the district from the General Fund.


Approval of this Ordinance supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of Residential and Commercial Economic Vitality; and Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

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