Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 1/11/2021
DIRECTOR:Ron Smith, Director of Parks and Recreation
AGENDA ITEM:Award a bid in the amount of $972,748 for Evans Park Renovation, Project No. 6980
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Award/Rejection of Bid/Proposal


RFB No. 2020-0683-B for Evans Park Renovation, Project No. 6980, for the Parks and Recreation Department to Eaton Construction in the amount of $972,748; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


A Landscape Architect professional services agreement for design of the park’s renovation was awarded at Council on 4/23/2018.


The Evans Park Renovation project will replace the existing playground equipment, play pit, pavilion, lighting, drinking fountain, benches, picnic tables; and implement walkway improvements, resurface the multi-use court, select erosion control and restoration in creek, and replace landscape and irrigation. The item was once programmed as a capital maintenance fund item, then moved into the 2019 Bond Program centered on renovations, and was approved by the voters in May, 2019.


The existing park was first built in 1974 and was updated in 1995. The playground equipment, pavilion, and lighting fixtures have reached their safe life expectancy and are no longer compliant with contemporary accessible and safety codes. Modifications to these assets trigger full compliance with current accessibility and safety codes which translates into a need for full replacement. Community outreach with the surrounding neighborhood was engaged between August and December of 2018. The resulting design is a direct reflection of their comments and feedback for updated playground equipment, expanded shade, and walkway extensions to complete park access.


The Parks and Recreation Department opened bids on October 15, 2020 for the Evans Park Renovation project. The lowest responsive and responsible bid was submitted by Eaton Construction in the amount of $972,748. There were a total of 1,116 vendors reached from IonWave for this project; One (1) bidder did not provide the required bid bond and was deemed non-responsive; 19 complete bids were received for the project as shown in the attached bid recap. .


There are several benefits to this renovation project. The park walkways and playground will be brought up to current accessibility and safety codes. The replacement irrigation and lighting systems will be more efficient in their usage of water and electricity, respectively. Construction work implemented to address erosion issues in the creek will stabilize affected creek banks. If the project does not proceed, there are several adverse effects. The aging play equipment, which is beyond its lifecycle, cannot be maintained to manufacturer safety standards and may necessitate removal from the park without replacement. Park features that are currently non-compliant with ADA standards like walkways, would remain so. Further, erosive scour within the creek channel will continue to progress and will ultimately cause adjacent property damage.


Funding for this item is in the 2020-21 Parks Improvement CIP.  Approval of this construction contract in the amount of $972,748, will leave a current year balance of $1,409,480 for future expenditures.


This item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of Residential and Commercial Economic Vitality and Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

DescriptionUpload DateType
Bid Recap12/29/2020Bid Recap
Location Map12/16/2020Map