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| | | | | | | | MEETING DATE: | 2/22/2021 | DEPARTMENT: | Fleet Services | DIRECTOR: | Dan Prendergast, Assistant Director of Public Works | AGENDA ITEM: | To approve the purchase of Refuse Trucks. | RECOMMENDED ACTION: | Purchase from Existing Contract |
| | | | | | | | ITEM SUMMARY To approve the purchase of five (5) Refuse Trucks in the amount of $1,019,831 from Bond Equipment Company, Inc., three (3) Rear Load Bodies in the amount of $331,150 from Heil of Texas, and two (2) Automated Side Load Bodies in the amount of $263,264 from BTE Body Company, Inc., for a total amount of $1,614,245 for Fleet Services to be used by Environmental Waste Collections through existing contracts; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (BuyBoard Contract No. 601-19 and BuyBoard Contract No. 599-19) Approved |
| | | | | | | | BACKGROUND It is the recommendation of Fleet Services to purchase five (5) Refuse Trucks and five (5) Truck Bodies. Five (5) Refuse Trucks will be purchased in the amount of $1,019,831 from Bond Equipment Company, Inc. through BuyBoard Contract No. 601-19. Three (3) Rear Load Bodies will be purchased in the amount of $331,150 from Heil of Texas through BuyBoard Contract No. 599-19. Two (2) Automated Side Load Bodies will be purchased in the amount of $263,264 from BTE Body Company, Inc. through BuyBoard Contract No. 599-19. The total cost of the five (5) Refuse Trucks and Truck Bodies is $1,614,245.
These units are scheduled replacements from Capital Outlay FY2020-21 for units 12920, 13946, and 13950 Truck, Compactor, Rear Loading and units 14958 and 14962 Truck, Compactor, Side Loading in Cost Center 748 Environmental Waste Collections. Due to operational demands, it is necessary to purchase at this time.
The purchase of these units is necessary for the following reasons:
1. These units are essential to Environmental Waste Collections’ daily operations and are required to maintain current service levels.
2. The old units are in need of replacement. The determination for the need of replacement is based on age, usage, maintenance cost, and re-sale value. Based on these criteria, Fleet Services recommends the replacement of the above units.
3. If these units are not replaced, we will incur additional maintenance costs and the salvage values will be greatly depreciated. In addition, the older, aging units will limit the users’ ability to perform their duties because of increased breakdowns and additional downtime for repairs.
The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 271 Subchapter F of the Texas Local Government Code and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. (BuyBoard Contract No. 601-19 and BuyBoard Contract No. 599-19 / City of Plano Internal Contract No. 2021-0153-O) |
| | | | | | | | FINANCIAL SUMMARY/STRATEGIC GOALS Funds are included in the FY 2020-21 Adopted Equipment Replacement Fund budget to purchase five (5) Refuse Trucks and five (5) Truck Bodies. Five (5) Refuse Trucks will be purchased in the amount of $1,019,831 from Bond Equipment Company, Inc.; three (3) Rear Load Bodies will be purchased in the amount of $331,150 from Heil of Texas; and two (2) Automated Side Load Bodies will be purchased in the amount of $263,264 from BTE Body Company. These units (12920, 13946, 13950, 14958, 14962) are scheduled replacements in Environmental Waste Collections. The total amount budgeted for these trucks is $1,518,000 and the total amount needed to purchase these trucks is $1,614,245. The overage amount of $96,245 will be covered by savings from other equipment purchases.
Approval of this purchase will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government as well as Multi-Modal Transportation and Mobility Solutions. |