Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 4/26/2021
DIRECTOR:Ron Smith, Director of Parks and Recreation
AGENDA ITEM:Approval of an expenditure in the amount of $4,015,338 for Russell Creek Park Synthetic Turf Fields, Project No. 7250
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Expenditure


To approve an expenditure for Russell Creek Park Synthetic Turf Fields, Project No. 7250, in the amount of $4,015,338 from Dean Electric, Inc. dba Dean Construction for the Parks and Recreation Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


On March 17, 2020, City Council approved an expenditure for engineering professional design services for Russell Creek Park Synthetic Turf Fields, Project No. 7250 in the amount of $348,000.


This agenda item is for approval of a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for Russell Creek Park Synthetic Turf Fields, Project No. 7250 in the amount of $4,015,338 with Dean Electric, Inc. dba Dean Construction.

The project and funding were approved by the voters as a part of the 2017 Bond Election in the total amount of $8,000,000 for synthetic all-weather turf fields and athletic field improvements. This synthetic turf field funding was established to implement synthetic turf fields at Russell Creek Park and Carpenter Park. The Carpenter Park project was complete and opened in August 2020. Funding for the Russell Creek project was approved in the 20-21 Capital Improvement Program.

The Russell Creek Park Synthetic Turf Fields project will convert two existing natural turf fields at Russell Creek Park to synthetic turf fields which are all-weather turf. Because the fields already exist, the lights, walkways, and bleacher areas will remain in place to serve the artificial fields in the same configuration as the natural turf fields. Changes or upgrades to these existing amenities are not required. As with the Carpenter Park synthetic turf field project, the fields at Russell Creek Park will include new scoreboards, shaded player benches, ball netting, and field fencing.

Russell Creek Park was originally constructed in 1995. It is common practice to make improvements to parks incrementally in phases as bond funding is secured. As such, phases of improvements have been implemented over the years elevating the park’s ability to host thousands of local youth sports participants and attract travel based sporting events.

Russell Creek Park has been a critical part of the City’s ability to provide Plano youth and families with the opportunity to participate in recreational and competitive sports. Each year, Russell Creek Park hosts hundreds of local league games, equating to thousands of participants. Russell Creek Park also attracts over a dozen tournaments per year, contributing nearly $6,000,000 in economic impact (per the Trust for Public Land’s 2017 economic benefit study of Plano’s park and recreation system). Converting two fields from natural grass to all-weather synthetic will enhance the park's ability to provide quality services to end users.

Construction Manager at Risk Services
Seven firms submitted qualifications in response to RFQ No. 2020-0535-B to provide Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) services for the project. Submittals were opened on July 9, 2020. The selection committee comprised of members from the Parks and Recreation and Finance departments, as well as the design consultant.  Through a two-step evaluation process, the selection committee determined Dean Electric, Inc. dba Dean Construction was the most qualified firm to provide CMAR services; the City entered into a pre-construction services agreement with Dean Electric, Inc. dba Dean Construction on December 15, 2020.

During the pre-construction design period, Dean Electric Inc. dba Dean Construction has worked with staff and the design consultant to provide professional preconstruction services including plan review, constructability review and competitive bidding of project components to achieve a GMP. Alternative pricing scenarios were considered in order to achieve a GMP that is within the project budget and still provides the critical improvements needed at the park.

Project Funding
The cost of the project is $4,015,338. 2017 Artificial Turf Field funds are available in the amount of $3,375,713 2017 Athletic Field Improvement funds are available in the amount of $123,527. Athletic Renovation Funds in the Capital Maintenance Fund are available in the amount of $516,098 to re-route the existing irrigation system and renovate fence outside of and adjacent to the field conversion area. All expenditures were approved in the 20-21 budget process.

If this project is not awarded, the funds approved by the voters and approved by City Council through the annual capital improvement program will not be spent, and the project to convert the fields will not be implemented and existing turf fields will continue to be limited to play as determined by growth and rest schedules as well the weather.


Funding for this item is available in the 2020-21 Park Improvements CIP and Capital Maintenance Fund and is planned in both funds for 2021-22, as well.  Approval of the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Russell Creek Synthetic Fields project and modification of the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract, in the total estimated amount of $4,015,338 ($2,500,000 in FY 2020-21 and $1,515,338 in FY 2021-22) will leave a combined current year balance of $206,331 for future project expenditures. 


Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

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