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| | | | | | | | MEETING DATE: | 4/26/2021 | DEPARTMENT: | Engineering-CIP | DIRECTOR: | B. Caleb Thornhill, P.E., Director of Engineering | AGENDA ITEM: | Award a bid in the amount of $2,442,179 for Sidewalk Improvements - Plano Parkway from Independence Parkway to Alma Drive, Project No. 6901 | RECOMMENDED ACTION: | Award/Rejection of Bid/Proposal |
| | | | | | | | ITEM SUMMARY RFB No. 2021-0213-B for Sidewalk Improvements - Plano Parkway from Independence Parkway to Alma Drive, Project No. 6901, for the Engineering Department to MSB Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $2,442,179; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved |
| | | | | | | | BACKGROUND The Engineering Department opened bids on March 4, 2021 for the Sidewalk Improvements – Plano Parkway from Independence Parkway to Alma Drive, Project 6901. The project includes construction of sidewalk, trail, roadway and median pavement, and driveway improvements. The project also includes construction of two pedestrian bridges crossing both Pittman and Prairie Creeks along the proposed trail alignment.
The lowest responsive and responsible bid was submitted by MSB Constructors, Inc., in the amount of $2,442,179. There were a total of 1,235 vendors notified of this project. 14 complete bids were received for the project as shown in the attached bid recap.
If this project is not awarded, pedestrian facilities along Plano Parkway and Alma Drive would continue to be intermittent and not connected, resulting in potential safety concerns for pedestrians and cyclists along these corridors, and a reduction in the quality of life for adjacent businesses and residents. |
| | | | | | | | FINANCIAL SUMMARY/STRATEGIC GOALS Funding for this item is available in the 2020-21 Street Improvements CIP and is anticipated in 2021-22, as well. Construction services for the Sidewalk Improvements from Independence Parkway to Alma Drive, Project 6901, in the total estimated amount of $2,442,179, will leave a current year balance of $1,026,651 for future project expenditures.
Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government |