Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 4/26/2021
DIRECTOR:B. Caleb Thornhill, P.E., Director of Engineering
AGENDA ITEM:2021-0165-B CSP for Fire Training Lining and Props
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Award/Rejection of Bid/Proposal


CSP No. 2021-0165-B for Fire Training Thermal Lining and Props, Project No. 6824, for the Facilities Department to Fireblast Global, Inc. in the amount of $730,170; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


The City is currently constructing a multi-building Fire Training Facility (RFQ 2017-0516-B) that will provide live fire training to Plano’s Fire Rescue Specialists and other departments in the metroplex. The mockup buildings of single and multi-family, as well as a training tower will have different props that simulate fire conditions for the Fire Rescue Services team to respond to. Staff and the design team determined that due to the technical nature of the project, and in order to promote competition in this highly specialized field, the City would receive the best value by procuring the training props and the thermal linings that protect the structure from the heat during the training exercises separately from the construction contract. Staff determined that the Competitive Sealed Proposal (CSP) delivery method would allow selection of well-qualified vendors to perform the work and management of this intricate project.


Using the City of Plano’s CSP process, an evaluation team made up of three Plano Fire Rescue Services staff received three proposals for props and two proposals for thermal linings to evaluate. The evaluation criteria included: Firm and Sub Contractors Similar Project Experience, Past Performance after Installation with Support Services, Proposal Durations of Delivery of Submittal and Products. Purchasing evaluated the cost proposals.


The combined weighted scoring of the technical factors and the weighted cost proposals as calculated by Purchasing, resulted in Fireblast Global, Inc. scoring the highest for provision and installation of both the fire training props and thermal lining systems.


The Fire Rescue Services evaluating team recommends award to Fireblast Global, Inc. in the amount of $730,170.


If this project is not approved, the Fire Training Facility currently under construction will be incomplete and non-functional. Fire Rescue Services will not have the complete training they need to perform their mission.


Funding for this item is available in the 2020-21 Fire Department Budget. The purchase of training props to simulate fire conditions and thermal linings to protect the structure from the heat produced by training exercises, in the total estimated amount of $730,170, will leave a current year balance of $19,830 for future expenditures related to the Training Center.


Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government. 

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Proposal Recap4/15/2021RFP Recap