Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 6/28/2021
DIRECTOR:Christina Day, Director of Planning
AGENDA ITEM:Public Hearing and consideration of an Appeal of the Planning & Zoning Commission's Denial of Zoning Case 2021-003
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Items for Individual Consideration


Public Hearing and consideration of an Appeal of the Planning & Zoning Commission's Denial of Zoning Case 2021-003 and Concept Plan 2021-001 requesting to rezone 19.1 acres located at the southwest corner of Plano Parkway and Executive Drive from Corridor Commercial to Planned Development-Corridor Commercial.  Zoned Corridor Commercial and located within the 190 Tollway/Plano Parkway Overlay District.  Applicant: Onalp Property Owner, LLC C/O Bay West Development (Request to withdraw the appeal of the zoning case and concept plan.) Withdrawal approved.


The item was scheduled to be heard at the May 10, 2021, City Council meeting.  Per the petitioner's request, the item was tabled to the June 28, 2021, City Council meeting. The petitioner is now requesting to withdraw the appeal from consideration.


At its April 5, 2021, meeting, the Planning & Zoning Commission denied the zoning request by a vote of 6-1 and denied the concept plan by a vote of 7-0.  The petitioner is requesting to withdraw the appeal of the zoning case.  A simple majority vote is required to accept withdrawal of both the zoning case and the concept plan. 

DescriptionUpload DateType
2021-003 Withdrawal Request6/21/2021Letter