Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 3/28/2022
DIRECTOR:Procurement and Project Management
AGENDA ITEM:Award of Office Supply Contract
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Purchase from Existing Contract


To approve the purchase of office supplies and related products for a term ending April 6, 2024 with one 12-month renewal in the estimated annual amount of $200,000 from Staples, Inc. through an existing contract; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (Sourcewell Contract No. 012320-SCC) Approved





This award will authorize the purchase of office supplies and related products from Staples, Inc., for all City departments. Related products include printing services and promotional items.


The City reached out to companies holding various cooperative contracts for office supplies and related products. We received responses from Dream Ranch Office Supplies, Liberty Office Products, Office Depot, and Staples, Inc.


Evaluation was based primarily on aggregate price of items included in a market basket, which was representative of the City’s highest volume and highest priced purchases over the past year. Added Value factors were to be considered if the market basket totals were not significantly different among offerors.


Staples offered the best price among all offerors. Award is recommended to Staples, Inc., through the SourceWell contract 012320-SCC, for an estimated annual amount of $200,000 for a term ending April 6, 2024 with one 12-month renewal. This award amount is based on available budgets as well as past purchases. Purchases will not exceed appropriated budgets.


If this contract is not awarded, the City will not benefit from the cost savings offered through the cooperative contract.


The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 271 Subchapter F of the Texas Local Government Code and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. (Sourcewell Contract No. 012320-SCC, City of Plano Contract No. 2022-0174-OA)


This item approves price quotes. This request is for a two-year term ending April 6, 2024 with one 12-month renewal to provide office supplies and related products for multiple funds and cost centers within the City of Plano based on departmental needs from Staples, Inc. The estimated amount to be spent in FY 2021-22 is $100,000. Future year expenditures will occur within Council approved appropriations in the annual estimated amount of $200,000 for FY 2022-23, $200,000 for FY 2023-24, and $100,000 for FY 2024-25.


Approval of this agenda item supports City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.