Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 5/23/2022
DEPARTMENT:Environmental Waste Services
DIRECTOR:Dan Prendergast, Director of Public Works
AGENDA ITEM:2022-0030-AC RFP for Household Hazardous Waste Collection
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Award/Rejection of Bid/Proposal


RFP No. 2022-0030-AC for a three (3) year contract with two (2) one-year automatic renewals for Household Hazardous Waste Collection for Environmental Waste Services to Clean Earth Environmental Solutions, Inc. in the estimated amount of $443,372 for the first term, and a total estimated amount of $738,952 for the total contract; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


Public Works staff recommends the proposal of Clean Earth Environmental Solutions, Inc. be awarded for the contract for household hazardous waste collection. The contract will be awarded for 3 years with two (2) one-year automatic renewals. The approximate total of the initial three year term is $443,371.90 and an estimated $147,790.30 for each renewal; for an estimated total amount of $738,951.50.


The Environmental Waste Services (EWS) Division is seeking to have a vendor dispose of household hazardous waste. City staff collects household hazardous waste from single-family residents who call to schedule pick-up. This service is included in the monthly fee to residents and products are processed at the Household Chemical Reuse Center. EWS staff rely on this service for products that are not approved for reuse to handle proper recycling or disposal.


Purchasing published a Request for Proposals (RFP) and the City received three responsive and two non-responsive proposals. The three responsive proposals were evaluated based on the following criteria:


1.    Past performance and violations record – 20%

2.    Project approach and disposal methods – 25%

3.    Material acceptance list – 10%

4.    Training – 5%

5.    Cost – 40%


After reviewing all of the proposals and checking references, staff finds the proposal from Clean Earth Environmental Solutions, Inc. provides the best solution to meet the City’s needs and recommends award of the contract to Clean Earth Environmental Solutions, Inc. This vendor had the highest technical score and overall weighted score when costs were included. The City will benefit from their robust material acceptance list and detailed tracking of material disposal.


If the City Council does not approve this contract, the City will be without a provider to recycle and dispose of the collected residential hazardous material resulting in the material being disposed of at the landfill and potentially causing chemical fires on our residential trash trucks during transport.


The funding for this contract is coming from 45.751.6319.


Funding for this item is available in the 2021-22 Sustainability & Environmental Services Budget. This is a three (3) year contract with two (2) one-year automatic renewals. The anticipated annual cost of this item is FY 2021-22 $73,896, FY 2022-23 $147,790, FY 2023-24 $147,790, FY 2024-25 $147,790, FY 2025-26 $147,790 and FY 2026-27 $73,896. All future year expenditures will occur within council approved appropriations.


Approval of this agenda item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

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RFP Recap5/13/2022RFP Recap