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| | | | | | | | MEETING DATE: | 3/28/2022 | DEPARTMENT: | Public Works | DIRECTOR: | Dan Prendergast, Director of Public Works | AGENDA ITEM: | Approval of an expenditure in the amount of $409,500 for a Professional Services Agreement for the Comprehensive Water System Study. | RECOMMENDED ACTION: | Approval of Expenditure |
| | | | | | | | ITEM SUMMARY To approve an expenditure for engineering professional services for a Comprehensive Water System Study, Project No. 7483, in the amount of $409,500 from Freese and Nichols, Inc. for the Public Works Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved |
| | | | | | | | BACKGROUND The Public Works Department recommends approval of an expenditure in the amount of $409,500 for engineering professional services with Freese and Nichols, Inc., for the Comprehensive Water System Study Project. Freese and Nichols, Inc., was deemed most qualified based on their Statement of Qualifications submission for RFQ No. 2021-0379-XR. This project includes professional services in connection with the development of a water demand and water system model that will be used to identify potential water system improvements, cost savings, and future capacity needs.
The creation of a water demand and water quality model is a proactive approach to identifying current and future cost savings for water operations. The benefits of this project include reduced water system flushing in the future by analyzing various water system improvements for the water distribution, storage, and pumping systems. These improvements include chlorine and ammonia dosing at strategic locations, pumping operation improvements, and other improvements which will lead to improved efficiency and lower costs both from a water usage, electricity usage, and staff utilization standpoint.
If Council does not approve this project, the water model will not occur, which will lead to continued water system flushing leading to higher costs in the future. |
| | | | | | | | FINANCIAL SUMMARY/STRATEGIC GOALS Funding for this item is available in the 2021-22 Water CIP. Professional engineering services for the Comprehensive Water System Study project, in the total estimated amount of $409,500, will leave a current year balance of $90,500 for future project expenditures.
Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government. |