Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 3/28/2022
DEPARTMENT:Technology Services
DIRECTOR:Roger Wright, Chief Information Officer

Approve the purchase of Dell Computer Peripheral Equipment

RECOMMENDED ACTION:Purchase from Existing Contract


To approve the purchase of Dell peripheral equipment for Technology Services in the estimated amount of $206,810 from Dell Marketing, L.P. through an existing contract; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-3763) Approved



Technology Services recommends the purchase of computer peripherals from Dell Marketing, L.P. in the estimated amount of $206,810. Four (4) vendors were contacted for competitive quotes and Dell Marketing, L.P. provided the lowest price through their Texas Department of Information Resources Contract No. DIR-TSO-3763.


Technology Services assessed the useful lifespan of peripheral devices and determined it is more cost effective to purchase the monitors, docking stations, keyboard and mice rather than leasing these types of devices as they typically outlive the associated computers.  Following the COVID-19 Pandemic, it was apparent that some positions require more mobility than others, and as a result some computers were changed from desktop stationary computers to mobile computers. Mobile computers do not include the peripherals as standard features, and are sold separately. Transitioning to mobile devices rather than all-in-one desktop computers will require the purchase of docking stations, monitors, keyboards and mice.


On March 15, 2022, City Council approved extension of the existing computer equipment lease month-to-month for up to six months, lease of new citywide computer equipment for 36 months, purchase of peripheral equipment from the current lease and purchase of data wiping services for computers being returned off the current lease.  Not included in that award was the purchase of new peripheral items to support the computer refresh activity as the City currently does not have the peripherals to outfit the incoming leased computers.


Should the purchase of new peripherals through Dell not be awarded, the new lease will need to be modified to include these devices on the lease.  Since our current fleet of monitors includes purchased and leased monitors, at some point in the future existing purchased monitors will need to be replaced and either purchased on a monitor refresh cycle or increase the cost of the lease to add to the 3 year computer refresh.


The City is authorized to purchase from the State Contract list pursuant to Chapter 271 Subchapter D of the Texas Local Government Code and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. (DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-3763 / City of Plano Internal Contract No. 2022-0310-O)


Funding for this item is available in the 2021-22 Technology Replacement Fund.  This request is to approve the purchase of computer peripherals from Dell Marketing, L.P. in the estimated amount of $206,810, which will leave a remaining balance of $187,739 in the 2021-22 Technology Replacement Fund for other computer replacement expenditures.


Approval of this agenda item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

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