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| | | | | | | | MEETING DATE: | 4/25/2022 | DEPARTMENT: | Engineering-CIP | DIRECTOR: | B. Caleb Thornhill, P.E., Director of Engineering | AGENDA ITEM: | Approve an expenditure in the amount of $431,201 for engineering professional services for Intersection Improvements - 14th Street & Shiloh Road, 14th Street & Plano Parkway, Parker Road & Archerwood Street, Project No. 7458 | RECOMMENDED ACTION: | Approval of Expenditure |
| | | | | | | | ITEM SUMMARY To approve an expenditure for engineering professional services for Intersection Improvements - 14th Street & Shiloh Road, 14th Street & Plano Parkway, Parker Road & Archerwood Street, Project No. 7458, in the amount of $431,201 from Lamb-Star Engineering, LLC for the Engineering Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved |
| | | | | | | | BACKGROUND The Engineering Department recommends approval of an expenditure in the amount of $431,201 for engineering professional design services from Lamb-Star Engineering, LLC, for the Intersection Improvements – 14th Street & Shiloh Road, 14th Street & Plano Parkway, Parker Road & Archerwood Street., Project No. 7458. This project includes preliminary design, final design, and construction related engineering services for improving three (3) intersections include the addition of right and left turn lanes, and safety improvements at HAL-HARS prioritized intersections.
1. 14th Street at Shiloh Road - Addition of WB dual left turn lanes
2. 14th Street at Plano Pkwy - Addition of WB right turn/slip lane, reconfigure WB Plano Pkwy departure.
3. Parker Road at Archerwood Street - Addition of EB right turn lane and NB right turn lane. Modify NB lane assignments to Left, Left, Thru/Right.
Lamb-Star Engineering, LLC was deemed most qualified based on their Statement of Qualifications submission for RFQ No. 2021-0377-XR.
The benefit of this project includes increased traffic flow and efficiency and increased traffic safety, which will lead to an increased quality of life for citizens and motorists.
Not approving the expenditure would result in increased traffic delays and continued safety concerns with turning movements, leading to a reduction of vehicular safety and a decrease in quality of life for citizens and motorists. |
| | | | | | | | FINANCIAL SUMMARY/STRATEGIC GOALS Funding for this item is available in the 2021-22 Street Improvement CIP and is planned for 2022-23, as well. Professional design services for the Intersection Improvements-14th Street & Shiloh Road, 14th Street & Plano Parkway, Parker Road & Archerwood Street project, in the total estimated amount of $431,201, will leave a current year balance of $228,540 for future project expenditures.
Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government. |
ATTACHMENTS: | Description | Upload Date | Type | Location Map | 4/7/2022 | Map |