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| | | | | | | | MEETING DATE: | 4/25/2022 | DEPARTMENT: | Parks | DIRECTOR: | Ron Smith, Director of Parks and Recreation | AGENDA ITEM: | Athletic Field Mowing & Landscape Maintenance (Groups A-D) | RECOMMENDED ACTION: | Award/Rejection of Bid/Proposal |
| | | | | | | | ITEM SUMMARY RFB No. 2022-0182-AC for a one (1) year contract with four (4) one-year automatic renewals for Athletic Field Mowing and Landscape Maintenance (Groups A-D) to Lawn Star Landscape in the estimated annual amount of $94,860 for Group A; Incircle Management, Inc. in the estimated annual amount of $20,956 for Group B; Dyna-Mist Construction Co. in the estimated annual amount of $311,023 for Group C; and Western Landscape Corporation dba Garden Design in the estimated annual amount of $53,475 for Group D; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved |
| | | | | | | | BACKGROUND This contract is to provide municipal athletic field mowing and landscape maintenance for specific properties located within the City of Plano. The term of the contract is one-year with four (4) one-year automatic renewals.
The project was solicited as a Competitive Sealed Bid. The City of Plano notified 517 vendors. Eight (8) bids were received electronically, zero (0) manual bids (paper response), and one (1) no bid was received. One vendor withdrew their bid due to incorrect pricing submitted.
Awarding multiple vendors was the desired goal to protect the City from loss of service in the event of vendor default during the growing season. To accomplish this goal, the department divided the locations into four (4) groups (Groups A-D) to allow award for either a single vendor or multiple vendors all or a portion of the work. After reviewing the vendor submittals and consulting with work history references, Lawn Star Landscape, Incircle Management, Inc., Dyna-Mist Construction Co., and Western Landscape Corporation dba Garden Design, all appear capable of meeting all of the requirements of the subject bid.
It is the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Department to award RFB 2022-0182-AC Athletic Field Mowing and Landscape Maintenance (Groups A-D) to the lowest responsive, responsible bidders, per group, to Lawn Star Landscape, Incircle Management, Inc., Dyna-Mist Construction Co., and Western Landscape Corporation dba Garden Design in the estimated annual amount of $480,314.00.
If this contract is not awarded, this will result in a reduced maintenance at our athletic field locations and lower turf quality at all athletic sites. |
| | | | | | | | FINANCIAL SUMMARY/STRATEGIC GOALS Funding for this item is available in the 2021-22 Park Sports Turf Maintenance Services Budget. This request is for a one-year contract with four (4) one-year automatic renewals for Athletic Field Mowing and Landscape Maintenance (Groups A-D) from Lawn Star Landscape, in the estimated annual amount of $94,860 for Group A; Incircle Management, Inc., in the estimated annual amount of $20,956 for Group B; Dyna-Mist Construction Co., in the estimated annual amount of $311,023 for Group C; and Western Landscape Corporation dba Garden Design, in the estimated annual amount of $53,475 for Group D. The first year of the contract, in the estimated amount of $400,000, will be available in the 2021-22 Park Sports Turf Maintenance Services Budget. Future year expenditures are dependent on contract renewals in the annual estimated amount of $480,314 in the 2022-23 through 2025-26 Budgets and $80,314 in the 2026-27 Budget. All future year expenditures will occur within council approved appropriations.
Approval of this contract supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of Welcoming and Engaged Community; Safe, Vibrant Neighborhoods; and Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government. |
ATTACHMENTS: | Description | Upload Date | Type | Bid Recap | 4/18/2022 | Bid Recap |