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| | | | | | | | MEETING DATE: | 4/25/2022 | DEPARTMENT: | Gov Relations | DIRECTOR: | Andrew Fortune, Director of Policy & Government Relations | AGENDA ITEM: | Approval of the terms and conditions of a Third Amendment to a License Agreement by and between the City of Plano, Texas and AT&T Corp., a New York corporation. | RECOMMENDED ACTION: | Approval of Contract Modification |
| | | | | | | | ITEM SUMMARY To approve the terms and conditions of a Third Amendment to a License Agreement by and between the City of Plano, Texas and AT&T Corp. (f/k/a AT&T Communications, Inc. of the Southwest), a New York corporation; authorizing its execution by the City Manager; and providing an effective date. (Tabled at the April 11, 2022, City Council meeting.) Tabled |
| | | | | | | | PREVIOUS ACTION/PRESENTATION This item was tabled at the April 11, 2022 City Council meeting. |
| | | | | | | | BACKGROUND The CITY and LICENSEE entered into a non-exclusive License Agreement dated December 14, 1992, which authorized the installation, operation and maintenance of conduit containing 683 linear feet of telecommunications cable and 2 street crossings on Preston Road to Tennyson Parkway. A First Amendment to the License dated January 20, 2004, authorized an additional 21,543 linear feet and 16 street crossings for a new total of 22,226 linear feet (4.2 miles) and 18 street crossings for this License Agreement, and replaced Exhibit A attached to the License. A Second Amendment to the License dated May 28, 2013, extended the License to December 14, 2022.
CITY and LICENSEE desire to further amend the License in this Third Amendment to modify the Term and Cost of the License. |
| | | | | | | | FINANCIAL SUMMARY/STRATEGIC GOALS Approval of this item would renew a license agreement granted to AT&T that permits the installation, operation and maintenance of conduit containing telecommunications cable within the public right-of-way for a ten-year term. AT&T will pay a lump sum for the ten-year term in the amount of $513,390. The license agreement allows for (2) ten-year term renewals, with each subsequent ten-year lump sum payment increasing by three percent (3%).
Obtaining revenue by granting a license to telecommunications providers to install, operate and maintain equipment at City of Plano facilities relates to the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of Excellent, Innovative and Accountable City Government. |
ATTACHMENTS: | Description | Upload Date | Type | Amendment | 4/13/2022 | Agreement |