The Engineering Department recommends approval of an expenditure in the amount of $288,150.00 for engineering professional design services from Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., for the Water Rehab – Steeplechase Estates, Project No. 7465. This project includes preliminary design, final design, and construction related engineering services for the replacement of approximately 7,200 LF of water mains and associated pavement replacement in the Steeplechase neighborhood along the following streets:
1. Ascot Drive - West Park Boulevard to Steeplechase Drive
2. Steeplechase Drive - Triple Crown Lane to Manor Lane
3. Triple Crown Lane - Steeplechase Drive to Wavertree Lane Alley
4. Manor Lane – Steeplechase Drive to Wavertree Lane Alley
5. Pathfinder Trail –Triple Crown Alley to Manor Lane
6. Gallant Fox Lane - Triple Crown Lane to Manor Lane
7. Wavertree Lane - Triple Crown Lane to Manor Lane
Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. was deemed most qualified based on their Statement of Qualifications submission for RFQ No. 2021-0379-XR.
The benefit of this project includes reduced maintenance cost and interruptions of service to residents.
Not approving the expenditure would result in increased ongoing localized maintenance, intermittent service interruptions, additional maintenance costs and a reduction in quality of life for local residents.