Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 6/26/2023
AGENDA ITEM:Approval of an expenditure, in the amount of $260,500 for a Professional Services Agreement for the Elevated Storage Tank Master Plan project.
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Expenditure


To approve an expenditure for a Professional Services Agreement for Elevated Storage Tank Master Plan in the amount of $260,500 from Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for Public Works Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


This Professional Services Agreement is for conducting a condition assessment of the 10 elevated water storage tanks in the City of Plano and developing a master plan for on-going maintenance and rehabilitation. The assessment will analyze the structural integrity of the city’s elevated storage tanks and existing coating of each tank to determine condition and estimated remaining service life. The master plan will develop a schedule for on-going maintenance activities and rehabilitation projects to extend the service life of each tank.


The primary benefits of this master plan are to provide condition assessments with a long term maintenance plan that identifies future expenditures for maintenance and/or replacement of the city’s elevated storage tanks.


If this contract is not awarded by City Council, the City could see reduced service life of the elevated water storage tanks and possibly encounter unplanned large capital improvement costs in the event of tank failure(s).


Kimley-Horn and Associates was selected based on their statement of Qualifications submission for RFQ No. 2021-0379-XR for Wastewater.


The funding for this expenditure is coming from the Water Fund (36).


Funding for this item is available in the 2022-23 Water CIP and is planned for future years, as well.  Professional services for the Elevated Storage Tank Master Plan project, in the total estimated amount of $260,500, will leave a project balance of $39,500 for future expenditures.


Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.