Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 6/26/2023
DEPARTMENT:Special Projects
DIRECTOR:Peter Braster, Director of Special Projects
AGENDA ITEM:Office Space Lease Agreement for Public Works at 625 Digital Drive
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Expenditure


To approve an expenditure to lease office space for Public Works Staff over a five-year term at 625 Digital Drive from Digital Commercial Properties, LLC for a total amount not to exceed $891,309 including base rent, operating expenses and office suite improvements; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved





The Gerald P. Cosgrove Public Works Center does not have sufficient office, parking, or yard space to support the current number of staff and visitors to the facility.  The hiring of open positions has been placed on hold pending the availability of office and parking space.  Department staff are currently reviewing qualifications for firms to perform a long-term Public Works Facility Masterplan that will evaluate both current and future staffing needs.  In the interim, the department needs to acquire more space to support current operations.  This lease agreement will provide office space for construction inspectors, engineers and other staff that form the Public Works Community Investment Program team until the renovation and expansion of the Gerald P. Cosgrove Public Works Service Center is completed.


The lease space is approximately one mile, or a five-minute drive, from the main offices of Public Works and is well located for the mission of the Public Work staff to develop, supervise and inspect Public Works projects on City streets, alleys and sidewalks in the coming years.


The term of this agreement is for five years at the following amounts per lease year that include base rent and the maximum proportional share of operating expenses and taxes based on the footprint of space to be leased by the City of Plano:


July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024         $143,065.20 Annual or $11,922.10 Monthly

July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026         $148,787.81 Annual or $12,398.98 Monthly

July 1, 2026 – June 30, 2027         $154,739.32 Annual or $12,894.94 Monthly

July 1, 2027 – June 30, 2028         $160,928.89 Annual or $13,410.74 Monthly


In addition, this lease agreement also includes a one-time contribution in an amount up to $135,000 towards the construction and finish out of the leased space in the first year of lease to make it suitable for occupancy by Public Works staff.  Further expenditures for furniture, fiber connectivity, equipment and access control outside of this agreement will also be necessary for bringing this lease space online. Those costs are not included in this item. The lease agreement provides for two (2) one (1) year extension options based on future market rental rates, which will not be approved by this item.


This item was prepared in cooperation with the Plano Public Works Department.


Funding for this item is available in the FY 2022-23 Capital Maintenance Fund and General Fund and is planned through FY 2027-28, as well.  The agreement lists $170,766 for the current fiscal year and variable amounts for five (5) additional fiscal years totaling $891,309. 


Approval of this item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

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