Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 8/14/2023
DIRECTOR:Ron Smith, Director of Parks and Recreation

Approve a Tender Agreement between the City of Plano and FCCI Insurance Company and a Completion Contract between the City of Plano and Dean Electric, Inc. d/b/a Dean Construction regarding the completion of Evans Park Renovation, Project No. 6980.

RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Contract / Agreement


To approve a Tender Agreement between the City of Plano and FCCI Insurance Company; and a Completion Contract in the amount of $691,222 ($382,947.29 from the Original Contract Balance and $308,274.71 from the Surety Payment) between the City of Plano and Dean Electric, Inc. d/b/a Dean Construction, authorizing Dean Construction to complete the construction of Evans Park Renovation Project No. 6980; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents to resolve this matter. Approved


The Parks and Recreation Department recommends approval of a Tender Agreement with FCCI Insurance and a Completion Contract between the City of Plano and Dean Electric, Inc. d/b/a Dean Construction regarding the completion of Evans Park Renovation Project No. 6980


On February 4, 2021, the City of Plano entered into a contract with Eaton Construction for the Evans Park Renovation Project.  After months of delays on the project by Eaton Construction, the City of Plano made a demand upon the Surety, FCCI Insurance Company on October 24, 2022, under the terms of the Performance Bond.


As a result, the City of Plano and FCCI Insurance Company will enter into a Tender Agreement and a Completion Contract between the City of Plano and Dean Electric, Inc. d/b/a Dean Construction. Dean Electric, Inc. d/b/a Dean Construction will comply with all warranties mandated by the Contract, whether implied or express.  Dean Electric, Inc. d/b/a Dean Construction will be responsible for completing the project under the terms of the Performance Bond and the Tender Agreement.  By approving this agenda item, the City Council authorizes the City Manager to enter into all necessary agreements to resolve this matter.


If this item is not approved, the project would be re-bid with updated construction plans showing existing site condition, a process that will take 6-9 months, further delaying the project’s completion and delivery to the public.


Funding for this item is available in the 2022-23 Park Improvements CIP and is planned for future years, as well.  Approval of the Completion Contract for construction services for the Evans Park Renovation Project, in the total estimated amount of $691,222, will leave a balance of $28,107 for future expenditures.


Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

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Location Map8/3/2023Map