Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 8/28/2023
DEPARTMENT:Technology Solutions
DIRECTOR:Roger Wright, Chief Information Officer
AGENDA ITEM:RFB for a Price Agreement for Professional Services to Implement Salesforce Solutions
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Award/Rejection of Bid/Proposal


RFB No. 2023-0467-BR for a one (1) year contract with one (1) automatic one-year renewal for Salesforce Professional Services Price Agreement for Technology Solutions to Catalyst Consulting Group, Inc., Cloud SynApps (Cloud SynApps, Inc.), Eigen X, Girikon, Inc., Incapsulate, LLC, InspireXT US, LLC, Online Business Systems, Plumlogix, Inc., Tech Mahindra, Ventas Consulting, LLC, WadiTek, LLC, and West Monroe Partners, in the estimated amount of $600,000 for the first term and $200,000 for the renewal, in a total estimated amount of $800,000; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


Salesforce License Purchase approved by Council on 6/27/2022 (Salesforce Low-Code Platform for Public Sector). This purchase provided the base licensing to enable the city to set up the platform to utilize low-code and set up the core services outlined in Phase I. With this "base licensing," the city gained the capability to set up the platform for its specific needs. This setup is the foundation upon which the city can build and customize its own digital solutions tailored to its unique requirements.


Phase I Salesforce Implementation Services approved by Council on 2/13/2023. This marked the commencement of "Phase I," the initial step in a series of planned improvements. During this phase, the city focused on establishing the groundwork for crucial aspects of its operations. This included setting up measures for the Reference Architecture consisting of data security to protect sensitive information, organizing data management systems for efficient handling of various types of information, implementing digital document management processes for streamlined storage and access, ensuring smooth communication between different software systems through integrations, and designing digital workflows to automate and optimize task progression. This foundational work forms the basis for subsequent phases of enhancement, allowing the city to progressively refine and enhance its operational capabilities with Salesforce.


The City solicited a Request for Bid (RFB) 2023-0467-BR for a Price Agreement for Salesforce Professional Services in order to establish vendor pricing for support services for Salesforce development and implementation initiatives.These initiatives seek to modernize the city's operations, which currently involve managing over 4000+ paper-based forms and manual processes. The core improvements brought about by this transformation include replacing manual tasks with automated approvals, actions, and notifications, ensuring data accuracy through workflow validations, generating real-time reports for informed decision-making, and streamlining processes to reduce response times. These enhancements lead to significant benefits such as faster form processing, reduced errors due to validation rules, the ability to make informed decisions based on real-time insights, and, ultimately, improved citizen services. By leveraging the vendor's experience and knowledge to implement these services, the city can transition to efficient, accurate, and modernized workflows that align with contemporary standards and meet the needs of citizens more effectively. 


Examples of application modernization projects to be included in this scope include, but is not limited to the following: 

  • Day Labor Center
  • City Portal
  • Neighbor helping Neighbor


Vendors will be selected for scopes of work under this price agreement using the following process.  A statement of work will be submitted to the vendor's list allowing each of the vendors to respond with their proposed approach and costs to deliver the work outlined. The evaluation team will carefully review and analyze each response based on specific criteria such as technical expertise, proposed solution, timeline, resources, cost, and past job performance. Based on the review team's final selection, the vendor will be awarded the work and assigned to the initiative. It's important to note that the vendor selection process aims to identify the vendor that offers the best combination of technical proficiency, innovative solutions, timeliness, cost-effectiveness, and overall alignment with the project's goals. The process is transparent, systematic, and designed to ensure that the chosen vendor is well-equipped to deliver a successful Salesforce development project.


The City of Plano received 15 responses, with 12 vendors being found responsive to the solicitation and providing pricing resulting in the following vendors:

  • Catalyst Consulting Group, Inc.
  • Cloud SynApps (Cloud SynApps, Inc.)
  • Eigen X
  • Girikon, Inc.
  • Incapsulate, LLC
  • InspireXT US, LLC
  • Online Business Systems
  • Plumlogix, Inc.
  • Tech Mahindra
  • Ventas Consulting, LLC
  • WadiTek, LLC
  • West Monroe Partners 


Considering the extensive improvement requirements in our business processes, we seek approval for professional services to deliver Salesforce Application development services. This will involve engaging individual or multiple contractors who have proven talent and availability to address our specific needs. By contracting with any of the named vendors, the City of Plano will gain numerous advantages, including accelerated product delivery, optimized resource allocation, and reduced risks through leveraging the expertise of these vendors. Ultimately, this strategic move will empower the City to efficiently deliver solutions while enhancing our overall capabilities.


The estimated expenditure is $800,000, which will be funded by allocations from the Technology Improvements Fund 29 and Technology Salesforce Implementation Fund 62, ensuring total contract expenditures will be, at most, the budget appropriation.


Failure to award this contract would have significant negative impacts on our city's ability to enhance and simplify our operations and services promptly and effectively. The potential consequences of not moving forward with the award are as follows:


  • Efficiency and Workflow: Without this contract, our efforts to modernize and automate business processes would be hindered by staff capacity and level of expertise. This could lead to increased workloads, longer response times, and potential bottlenecks in delivering services.


  • Long-Term Costs: Without this contract, the lack of process enhancements could result in higher expenses over time due to ongoing inefficiencies and missed opportunities for automation.


  • Data Security and Compliance: A robust data protection framework is crucial in today's environment. Not awarding the contract might compromise data security measures, exposing us to data breaches, compliance issues, and legal risks.


  • Operational Efficiency: Modernizing and automating business processes are essential for operational efficiency. Not proceeding with the contract could limit our ability to implement streamlined workflows, leading to longer service delivery times.


  • Innovation: The chosen vendor's expertise could provide valuable insights and innovative solutions. Not collaborating with them might restrict our access to cutting-edge strategies, hindering our efforts to enhance city services.


This request is to procure Salesforce Application development and implementation support services, in the total estimated amount of $800,000.  Funding is available in the estimated amount of $452,856 in the 2023-24 Technology Improvements CIP Fund and $147,144 in the 2023-24 Technology Fund and $200,000 in the 2024-25 Technology Fund, which will leave a remaining balance of $239,224 for other project expenditures.  All future year expenditures will occur within council approved appropriations.


Approval of this agenda item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.                 

DescriptionUpload DateType
Bid Recap8/22/2023Agreement