Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 9/11/2023
DIRECTOR:Dan Prendergast, Director of Public Works
AGENDA ITEM:Award of Bid for Construction Debris Hauling
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Award/Rejection of Bid/Proposal


RFB No. 2023-0412-AC for an initial term of $292,992 or one (1) year, whichever comes first, with one (1) City optional renewal for Construction Debris Hauling for the Public Works Department to Braxton Transportation, LLC; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


Public Works recommends the bid for the Construction Debris Hauling Contract be awarded to Braxton Transportation, LLC in the amount of $292,992 to haul and dispose of construction debris from the Public Works facility. The contract term is for one (1) year, or when funds have been expended, whichever comes first, with the option to renew up to one (1) period. In the event that the renewal is exercised, the total expenditure would be $585,984.


Public Works utilizes a third party hauling company to remove and properly dispose of construction debris which is created by various street and utility line repairs performed by City staff.  The debris is temporarily stored in the Public Works construction yard and then hauled off and disposed by a third party contractor.


If this contract is not awarded, city staff would be unable to perform construction work because debris would accumulate at the Public Works construction yard without an efficient means for disposal.


The funding for this contract is coming from Streets (742.6319), Utility District #2 (763.6319) and Municipal Drainage (471.6319).


Funding for this item is available in the 2022-23 General, Municipal Drainage and Water & Sewer Funds Budget. This contract is for an initial term of one (1) year, or when funds have been expended, whichever comes first, with one (1) City optional renewal. In the event that the renewal is exercised, the total expenditure would be $585,984. The anticipated annual cost of this item is FY 2022-23 $30,000, FY 2023-24 $292,992 and FY 2024-25 $262,992. All future year expenditures will occur within council approved appropriations.


Approval of this agenda item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.                

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RFB Bid Recap8/30/2023Bid Recap