Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 9/11/2023
DEPARTMENT:Fleet Services
DIRECTOR:Dan Prendergast, Director of Public Works
AGENDA ITEM:Ratification of expenditure for the replacement of a Bucket Truck.
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Expenditure


To ratify an expenditure in the amount of $185,000 for one (1) 4x4 Crew Cab Bucket Truck from Ring Power for Fleet Services; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


Fleet Services requests the ratification of the purchase of one (1) 4x4 Crew Cab Bucket Truck in the amount of $185,000 from Ring Power.


This unit is an unforeseen, unscheduled, emergency replacement of a bucket truck assigned to Traffic that was damaged beyond repair in an accident that occurred on May 17, 2023.  The Traffic division of Public Works has a fleet of nine bucket trucks used in the maintenance and repair of traffic signals.  Fleet Services has investigated the replacement of this vehicle and has found the estimated lead time for a new bucket truck is two years.  Fleet Services has found a truck that meets Traffic’s needs that is available now. Fleet Services moved forward with the purchase to expedite the delivery of the bucket truck.


The purchase of this unit is necessary because the damaged truck could not be repaired and the truck is essential to this department’s daily operations to maintain current service levels.


Fleet Services requests ratification of the expenditure of $185,000, which was necessary to maintain the Traffic Division’s operations.


The City is exempt from the competitive bid process for this purchase as allowed by Texas Local Government Code Chapter 252 Subchapter B Section 252.022(a)(3). (City of Plano Internal Contract No. 2023-0656-O)


Funds are available in the FY 2022-23 Adopted Budget to purchase one (1) 4x4 Crew Cab Bucket Truck in the amount of $185,000 for the unforeseen, unscheduled emergency replacement for 16333 Truck Pickup, Manlift, 1.5 Ton, Utility Body, Diesel in Signals. Funding for this unforeseen, unscheduled emergency replacement is available from savings in previous Equipment Replacement Fund purchases.


Approval of this ratification relates to the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of Excellent, Innovative and Accountable City Government.

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Bucket Truck Pic8/31/2023Attachment