It is the recommendation of Fleet Services to purchase four (4) Self-Unloading Belt Trailers in the amount of $549,064 from Trinity Trailer Manufacturing, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder from Solicitation 2024-0104-B.
Two units are scheduled replacements from Capital Outlay FY2021-22 and two units are scheduled replacements from Capital Outlay FY2023-24 in Compost Marketing and Operations. These trailers are used to haul ground feedstock from the Custer Transfer Station to the 121 Regional Composting Facility and finished compost and mulches to commercial customers.
The purchase of these units is necessary for the following reasons:
1. These units are essential to this department’s daily operations and are required to maintain current service levels.
2. The old units are in need of replacement. The determination for the need of replacement is based on age, usage, maintenance cost, and re-sale value. Based on these criteria, Fleet Services recommends the replacement of the above units.
If these units are not replaced, we will incur additional maintenance costs and the salvage values will be greatly depreciated. In addition, the older, aging units will limit the users’ ability to perform their duties because of increased breakdowns and additional downtime for repairs.