Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 11/27/2023
DIRECTOR:B. Caleb Thornhill, P.E., Director of Engineering
AGENDA ITEM:Approve an increase in the amount of $227,350 for Screening Wall Replacement - Amelia Court, Park Boulevard, Woodburn Corners, Custer Road and Parker Road, Project No. 7290.
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Change Order


To approve an increase to the current awarded contract amount of $2,225,340 by $227,350, for a total contract amount of $2,452,690, for Screening Wall Replacement - Amelia Court, Park Boulevard, Woodburn Corners, Custer Road and Parker Road, Project No. 7290, from A & B Construction, LLC for the Engineering Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (Contract No. 2022-0667-B; Change Order No. 1) Approved



The Engineering Department recommends approval of Change Order No. 1 for the increase in the construction contract with A&B Construction, LLC, in the amount of $227,350, for the project Screening Wall Replacement- Amelia Court, Park Boulevard, Woodburn Corners,Custer Road and Parker Road.


Change Order No. 1 includes the extension of the screening wall along Custer Road by approximately 420 linear feet to the intersection at Rustic Drive. The current project limits stopped short of the intersection, as separate phases of the adjacent neighborhood, constructed in the 1970’s, did not provide screening requirements along the second phase. This extension would complete screening requirements per subdivision ordinance requirements. Upon completion, the entire limits of the adjacent neighborhood will have appropriate screening requirements.


If this change order is not approved, it would result in continued non-conformance of screening requirements around subdivisions per the subdivision ordinance, resulting in non-compliant aesthetics, increased noise for neighborhood citizens, and a reduction of the quality of life for neighboring citizens.


Funding for this item is available in the 2023-24 Street Improvements CIP.  The first change order for the Screening Wall Replacement - Amelia Court, Park Boulevard, Woodburn Corners, Custer Road and Parker Road project, in the total estimated amount of $227,350, will leave a balance of $2,650 for future expenditures.


Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government. 

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Location Map11/6/2023Map