Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 11/27/2023
DIRECTOR:Ed Drain, Chief of Police

To approve the purchase of TASER 10 Conducted Energy Weapons (CEWs).

RECOMMENDED ACTION:Purchase from Existing Contract


To approve the purchase of TASER 10 conducted energy weapons (CEWs) for a five (5) year contract for the Police Department in the estimated amount of $1,592,430 from Axon Enterprise, Inc. through an existing contract; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (BuyBoard Contract No. 648-21) Approved




It is the recommendation of the Police Department to purchase three hundred fifty (350) TASER 10 conducted energy weapons (CEWs) less lethal projectile device and accessories from Axon Enterprise, Inc., the manufacturer and sole supplier for these products. These items are available to the City of Plano through BuyBoard Contract No. 648-21. TASER (CEWs) have proven to be an effective use of force option, as they have allowed officers to apprehend numerous aggressive and/or armed suspects without resorting to lethal force, and with fewer injuries to officers and suspects.


TASER 10 (CEWs) will be available for every First Responder in the Police Department. 


The current X2 TASER will be unserviceable in the future. If this recommendation is not approved, the Police Department’s capabilities would be significantly reduced by removing this less lethal force option in the future. This would negatively impact the Police Department’s ability to provide a safe and effective response to public safety incidents in our community.


The City is authorized to purchase from the State Contract list pursuant to Chapter 271 Subchapter F of the Texas Local Government Code and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. (BuyBoard Contract No. 648-21 and City of Plano Contract No. 2024-0035-O)


Funds are available in the Police Equipment Replacement Fund budget for the purchase of three hundred fifty (350) TASER 10 conducted energy weapons (CEW), in the total amount of $1,592,430 (or $318,486 per year in FY 2023-24 through FY 2027-28).


Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government with Safe, Vibrant Neighborhoods.