Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 2/26/2024
DIRECTOR:Ron Smith, Director of Parks and Recreation
AGENDA ITEM:Approval of an Interlocal Agreement between Collin County and the City of Plano, 2018 Parks and Open Space Bond 
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Contract / Agreement


To approve an Interlocal Agreement between Collin County and the City of Plano for use of county funds in the 2018 Parks and Open Space Bond Project for construction of the Chisholm Trail Extension; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


City Council adopted Resolution No.2023-6-1(R) on June 12, 2023 to approve City staff to apply for the Collin County 2023 Parks and Open Space Funding Assistance Program.  The Resolution certified that the City is eligible to receive financial assistance under the Collin County Parks and Open Space Project Funding Assistance Program; that the City's matching share is readily available; designated the Director of Parks and Recreation as being responsible for acting for and on behalf of the City of Plano; and that the Chisholm Trail Extension is dedicated for public park and recreational purposes. 


The City of Plano applied for funding for the construction of the Chisholm Trail Extension through the 2023 Parks and Open Space Project Funding Assistance Program with Collin County. The City has been awarded $267,428 for construction of the Chisholm Trail Extension project.  The City will be required to provide matching funds to complete the project.  The estimated project cost is $1.1 million.

Located adjacent to 520 W 15th Street, the project addresses an emerging gap within the Chisholm Trail linear park by extending the existing trail south, from north of 15th Street to the ring road of Collin Creek Mall redevelopment. The mall redevelopment is currently constructing various live-work uses and amenities, as well as city-owned parks and 1.6 miles of trails. Stretching approximately 0.25 miles in length, the proposed 12ft. wide paved trail will connect the existing Chisholm Trail to the planned mall redevelopment segments of trail.

This trail connection is crucial to the continuity of Chisholm Trail into the mall redevelopment area as well as the regional connectivity of southwest Collin County as shown in the 2012 Collin County Regional Trails Master Plan. The trail is part of the Collin County Regional Trails Master Plan and the North Central Texas Council of Governments Mobility 2040 Regional Veloweb. 

If this $267,428 in Collin County 2023 Parks and Open Space Funding Assistance Program funding award is not accepted and the Interlocal Agreement is not signed by the City, the City wouldn’t receive the grant funds to build the trail.


Project designs are expected to be completed in the spring of 2024 and the project is estimated to bid for construction in summer, 2024.



This item approves an interlocal agreement between Collin County and the City of Plano.  Collin County will reimburse the City, for an amount not to exceed $267,428, from the 2018 Parks and Open Space Bond Program.  All funds shall be used for the Chisholm Trail Extension Project No. 7306.


Approval of this item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

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Location Map2/9/2024Map