Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 2/26/2024
DIRECTOR:Ron Smith, Director of Parks and Recreation
AGENDA ITEM:Professional Food Service Personnel for Plano Event Center
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Award/Rejection of Bid/Proposal


RFB No. 2024-0063-AC for a one (1) year contract with three (3) one-year automatic renewals for Professional Food Service Personnel  for the Plano Event Center to Mangwenya LLC in the estimated annual amount of $314,650; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


The Plano Event Center services catered functions with contracted professional food service personnel labor including waiters, bartenders, stewards, and concession workers. The current contract is nearing expiration so a solicitation for services was released.


The Plano Event Center recommends awarding the 2024-0063-AC Professional Food Service Personnel contract to Mangwenya LLC.  Mangwenya LLC is the lowest responsive, responsible bidder.  The Department believes they are capable of fully meeting the requirements of the contract as specified in the bid documentation.


The contract term is one year with three annual renewals at the City’s discretion for a maximum of four years.  The total award of this contract, estimated at $1,258,600 anticipates exercising all contract option years for a full four-year term.  FY 23-24 estimated at seven months for $183,546 anticipates the contract beginning March 12, 2024. FY 24-25, estimated at $314,650, will be the first full year of the contract. FY 25-26 and FY 26-27 are also estimated at $314,650 each and FY27-28 (based on five remaining months) is estimated at $131,104.


The professional services provided by this contract equate to an annual savings of $130,850 if the same services where to be provided by additional in-house staff.


Should approval be denied, it would not be possible for Plano Event Center to service large catered events and there would be a loss of food and ancillary services revenues.


Funding for this item is available in the FY 2023-24 Plano Event Center budget and is planned through FY 2027-28. This contract for food service personnel labor will begin March 2024 and will end March 2028. The estimated total amount to be spent is $1,258,600 with expected annual expenses of $183,546 in FY 2023-24, $314,650 in each year of FY 2024-25, FY 2025-26, and FY 2026-27, and $131,104 in FY 2027-28. All future year expenditures will be made within the annually approved budget appropriations.              


Approval of this item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of Residential and Commercial Economic Vitality and Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.             

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Bid Recap2/14/2024Bid Recap