Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 2/26/2024
DIRECTOR:Christina Day, Director of Planning
AGENDA ITEM:Call for Public Hearing
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Request


To call a public hearing to initiate a petition for rezoning of certain properties from Planned Development-381-Retail/General Office and Agricultural to Light Industrial-1 located south of Lotus Drive and north of President George Bush Turnpike at Independence Parkway. Approved


In 2005, a segment of Lotus Drive was constructed west of Independence Parkway through the southern portion of a 55-acre property. This bisected a Planned Development zoning district which had been in place since 1987 and created a narrow, disconnected piece of the zoning district south of Lotus Drive. The boundaries of this disconnected piece no longer follow typical zoning district boundaries, such as lot lines, street and railroad centerlines, city limits, and shorelines, resulting in properties south of Lotus Drive having split zoning.  One of those properties is impacted by an additional zoning anomaly.  At the intersection of President George Bush Turnpike and Independence Parkway, there is property with Agricultural zoning that is primarily in the right-of-way, but that extends slightly into a developed, commercial property. A map is attached to provide additional detail on the precise location of these properties.


The purpose of the agenda item is to call a public hearing to initiate rezoning to consider bring all affected properties south of Lotus Drive fully within Light Industrial-1 zoning, providing consistency in regulations within this area.


Per Article 4.100 of the Zoning Ordinance, "the Planning & Zoning Commission or City Council may, on its own motion, initiate proceedings to consider a change in zoning on any property." City Council approval of the call for public hearing allows staff to submit a zoning petition, which will then follow the normal notice and hearing process for zoning cases, but does not imply the City Council's support, or lack of support, for the zoning change request.


Staff recommends that the City Council call a public hearing for this purpose.

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Locator Map2/20/2024Map