Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 4/8/2024
DIRECTOR:Ed Drain, Chief of Police

Award Purchase of Commo Gear Communications Kits for the Plano Police SWAT Team

RECOMMENDED ACTION:Purchase from Existing Contract


To approve the purchase of thirty-seven (37) Commo Gear Communications Kits for the Police Department in the estimated amount of $108,942 from Invisio Communications, Inc. through an existing contract; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (GSA Contract No. 47QSWA19D0031) Approved


This project will fund purchase of thirty-seven (37) communications kits for the Plano Police Department SWAT Team. Effective, reliable, and clear communications are the foundation of any successful tactical operation. SWAT has long been in need of radio equipment that can withstand the vigor of a tactical operation and much of the equipment has reached the end of its usable lifecycle.  The SWAT team has always been issued radio equipment that is standard issue for all police officers.  SWAT operators have had to try and make this radio equipment work for tactical operations, which the equipment wasn’t really designed to handle.  One glaring example is the use of a gas mask, which our current radio equipment is not compatible with.  Once gas masks are in use, radio communications between SWAT operators and command suffers greatly or is almost non-existent.  Another area where our current radio communications equipment is lacking is that it offers no hearing protection.  Tactical operations can be loud with the potential use of flash bangs, explosive breaches and gunfire.  Purchasing radio equipment specifically designed for SWAT and tactical operations will provide an additional layer of hearing protection and will ensure vital communications are transmitted and received by all involved parties. 


Extensive research on radio communications equipment for SWAT has been conducted. Invisio Communications, Inc. and their dual channel communications equipment was found to be in wide use with multiple Federal and State Law Enforcement specialized units to include: FT. Worth SWAT, Arlington SWAT, Flower Mound SWAT, San Antonio SWAT, Round Rock SWAT, TX DPS Air and Marine, USMS SOG, DEA SRT, LAPD SWAT and US Special Operations Command.  With the Invisio Communications, Inc. dual channel radio communications system, Plano SWAT would have interoperability with other support units to include the Bomb Team, Drone Unit, Negotiations Unit, ESU Intelligence Unit and Logistics Unit, all while keeping open and separate communications with other SWAT team members and Command.  The dual channel system would also allow interoperability with other State and local agencies even when a particular agency is not on the City of Plano’s radio system.  The dual channel system allows for communication between cell phones and the simple exchange of agency portable radios would also allow communications through the dual channel system. Currently, Plano SWAT is limited to one radio channel at a time and there is no interoperability with agencies that are not in the City of Plano’s radio system.  The dual channel system is also compatible with gas masks, without the use of additional wires or cables, and provides hearing protection while the gas mask is in use.


Invisio Communications, Inc. and their dual channel communications system would meet all of Plano SWAT’s communications needs now and for the foreseeable future in addition to providing invaluable hearing protection for each and every SWAT operator.  


If funding is not approved, the Police Department SWAT Team will continue to respond to incidents with existing capability, however grant funding would be lost.


The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 271 Subchapter F of the Texas Local Government Code and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. (GSA Contract No. 47QSWA19D0031 and the City of Plano Contract No. 2024-0305-O)


Funding for this item is available in the 2023 UASI Grant, the 2023 SHSP Grant and the Police Department DOJ Equitable Sharing Program budgets for the purchase of thirty-seven (37) Commo Gear Communications Kits, in the total estimated amount of $108,942. The UASI Grant program will provide $34,273 in funding, The SHSP Grant will provide $48,973 in funding, and the remaining $25,696 will be funded out of the Police Department DOJ Equitable Sharing Program.


Approval of this purchase will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

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Cooperative Quote Recap4/3/2024Cooperative Quote Recap