Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 3/25/2024
AGENDA ITEM:Award of bid in the amount of $6,040,246 for East Arterial Overlay - 2024, Project No. PW-S-00021.
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Award/Rejection of Bid/Proposal


RFB No. 2024-0169-B for East Arterial Overlay - 2024, Project No. PW-S-00021, for the Public Works Department to Texas Materials Group, Inc. in the amount of $6,040,246; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


Public Works recommends the bid for the East Arterial Overlay – 2024 project be awarded to Texas Material Group, Inc., in the amount of $6,040,246; to be accepted as the lowest responsible bid for the project, conditioned upon timely execution of all necessary documents. A total of 889 vendors were notified of the bid, four (4) submitted a “No Bid” and one (1) bid was submitted.


This project is to install a thin asphalt overlay on East Parker Road between the east side of the Central Expressway service road and the east city limits, on Los Rios Boulevard between Merriman Drive and 14th Street, and on Plano Parkway between Jupiter Road and the east city limits. The project also allows for the repair of 1,000 square yards of arterial concrete in the project scope area. Installation of the thin asphalt overlay requires the use of very specialized equipment that the city does not currently own, does not have space to store, and does not have the expertise to maintain or operate.  In addition, the city does not currently have the staff to perform this project.


The thin overlay projects typically receive two qualified bids. The solicitation was reviewed by both qualified vendors.  One of the vendors chose not to submit a bid due to a large project that was just awarded to their company.  The vendor does not have the equipment or staff availability to complete both projects on schedule. Public Works staff recommends award of this bid, despite having one bidder, because the bid price for the asphalt overlay item is less than the average bid price for the same item in the West Overlay Project – 2023. Additionally, the bid price is 4.1 % below the Engineer’s estimate.


If this project is not awarded at Council, the overlay will not occur. This will lead to elevated repair and maintenance costs in the future and the existing riding surface will not be improved.


The Engineer’s Estimate for this project is $6,300,000.


Funding for this item is available in the 2023-24 Capital Maintenance Fund.  Construction services for the East Arterial Overlay - 2024 project, in the amount of $6,040,246 will leave a project balance of $459,754 for future expenditures.


Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

DescriptionUpload DateType
Location Map3/7/2024Map
Bid Recap3/14/2024Bid Recap