Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 4/22/2024
DEPARTMENT:Technology Solutions
DIRECTOR:Roger Wright, Chief Information Officer
AGENDA ITEM:Approve technology contractual services to upgrade JD Edwards and conduct data migration.
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Expenditure


To approve an expenditure for City of Plano US - JDE R24 Upgrade & 64-bit Migration of JDE in the amount of $258,874 from Quistor Enterprises B.V. for Technology Solutions; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


The City's financial system, JD Edwards, requires an update to align with contemporary technological standards and aid in safeguarding the City against evolving risks. This request is crucial for maintaining financial operational currency and protecting against software obsolescence and security vulnerabilities. Upgrading to a more efficient and secure 64-bit software architecture from our outdated 32-bit is a significant aspect of this overhaul. This comprehensive upgrade is more than a technical necessity; it is essential to the City's operational integrity, performance optimization, and resilience against potential disruptions.


Quistor has proven expertise in JD Edwards technology, having approximately 20 years of experience in implementation and upgrade services. Quistor consultants are certified in Oracle JD Edwards and Oracle customer support, guaranteeing thorough service delivery. Quistor has already demonstrated proficiency in understanding the intricacies of the City's JD Edwards landscape by conducting an impact analysis of our current state and providing operational support. The City of Plano will gain numerous advantages, including accelerated product delivery, optimized resource allocation, and reduced risks through leveraging the expertise of this vendor.


Failure to award this contract would significantly impact maintaining and upgrading JD Edwards while performing normal day-to-day operations with the current resources. Without Quistor's expertise, the decision to bring the environment to the latest version without their resources leaves us vulnerable to a variety of risks. These include outdated software components leading to compatibility issues with newer applications, hindering our ability to integrate and streamline operations effectively. Additionally, performance issues may arise, impeding productivity and overall system efficiency. Quistor's methodology is tailored to address these concerns, ensuring a seamless upgrade process with minimal disruption to major projects involving JD Edwards.


Approval of this agenda item supports the City's Strategic Plan's Critical Success Factors of Excellence, Innovative, and Accountable City Government, which includes developing and implementing sustainable solutions and high-quality responsive services.


The City is exempt from the competitive bid process for the purchase as allowed by Texas Local Government Code Chapter 252 Subchapter B Section 252.022(a)(4). (City of Plano Internal Contract No. 2024-0558-X)


Funding for this item is available in the 2023-24 Technology Fund.  This request is to approve an expenditure for contractual services from Quistor Enterprises B.V. for Technology Solutions in the total estimated amount of $258,874.  The anticipated annual cost of this item is $215,728 for FY 2023-24 and $43,146 for FY 2024-25.  All future year expenditures will occur within council approved appropriations.


Approval of this item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.