Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 4/22/2024
DIRECTOR:Dan Prendergast, Director of Public Works
AGENDA ITEM:Annual Contract for Street Sweeping 
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Purchase from Existing Contract


To approve the purchase of street sweeping services for an initial term of six (6) months and one (1) one-year automatic renewal for the Public Works Department in the estimated total amount of $647,129 from Mister Sweeper, LP through an existing contract; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (City of Frisco Contract No. 2008-083) Approved


Public Works recommends an award of a contract to Mister Sweeper, LP for street sweeping services. The contract will be awarded for an initial term of six (6) months with one (1) one-year automatic renewal.   The contract will remain in-place until November 2, 2025 should the full term and renewal be exercised.  The approximate total of the contract over complete term is $647,129.

Public Works administers the City’s Street Sweeping Program which uses a contractor for routine sweeping of major thoroughfares and Downtown Plano and a City-owned sweeper to address issues in between routine sweeping. The City’s goal is to keep major thoroughfares free of debris, which requires routine sweeping of approximately 740 curb miles along major thoroughfares and secondary collector streets, 21 curb miles within the downtown area and 17 municipal parking lots.


The current contract includes once every other month street sweeping services along major thoroughfares and secondary collectors and weekly sweeping of Downtown Plano and municipal parking lots. Over the last two years, Staff has received an increase in complaints regarding debris build-up along roadways. Staff recommends increasing street sweeping of major thoroughfares and collector streets from six times per year to twenty-four times per year to improve the cleanliness of our major thoroughfares. Downtown Plano will continue to be swept on a weekly basis.


In the FY2022-2023 fiscal year Public Works purchased the first and only in-house street sweeper. Since November 2023, City staff average approximately 24 curb miles per day using the sweeper. Continuing to contract out major thoroughfare and secondary collector streets is the most responsive and fiscally sound approach that does not require the addition of staff and equipment. If the contract is awarded, Staff will complete the weekly sweeping of municipal parking lots instead of contracting out this service.


Public Works staff has reviewed a contract between the City of Frisco and Mister Sweeper, LP for street sweeping services. Frisco’s current contract began November 2, 2022 for one year with two (2) one-year renewals running through November 5, 2025. Public Works staff is requesting to utilize this contract for a street sweeping program in the City of Plano. The estimated expenditure for the City is $179,758 for the first 6-months and $467,371 from November 2, 2024 through November 2, 2025. The approximate total of the contract over the 18-month period is $647,129. This contract was awarded through a competitive bid process by the City of Frisco and meets all of the purchasing requirements that are necessary by the City of Plano.


If this contract is not awarded by City Council, street sweeping would continue at the current levels, resulting in continual community complaints and less than desired cleanliness of the streets.


The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 271 Subchapter F of the Texas Local Government Code and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items. (City of Frisco Contract No. 2008-083, City of Plano Contract No. 2024-0054-OA)


Funding for this item is available in the 2023-24 Municipal Drainage Fund Budget. This item is for street sweeping services totaling $647,129. The term of this contract will be for six (6) months and one (1) one-year automatic renewal, and will piggyback off of the City of Frisco current contract with Mister Sweeper. The anticipated annual cost of this item is FY 2023-24 $179,758, FY 2024-25 $431,420 and FY 2025-26 $35,951. All future year expenditures will occur within council approved appropriations.       


Approval of this agenda item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.