Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 6/10/2024
DIRECTOR:B. Caleb Thornhill, P.E., Director of Engineering
AGENDA ITEM:Approve an expenditure in the amount of $129,885 for construction materials testing professional services for Screening Wall Replacement - Parkwood Boulevard, Nassau Drive, and Willow Bend Drive, Project No. 7462
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Expenditure


To approve an expenditure for construction materials testing professional services for Screening Wall Replacement - Parkwood Boulevard, Nassau Drive, and Willow Bend Drive, Project No. 7462, in the amount of $129,885 from Alliance Geotechnical Group, Inc. for the Engineering Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


The Engineering Department recommends approval of an expenditure in the amount of $129,885 for construction materials testing professional services from Alliance Geotechnical Group, Inc., for the Screening Wall Replacement - Parkwood Boulevard, Nassau Drive, and Willow Bend Drive project.


This project includes testing services for approximately 4700 linear feet of reconstructed brick screening wall comprised of concrete drill shaft piers, reinforced concrete grade beam, brick columns and panels. In addition, the project will also include replacement of deteriorating concrete alley pavement, concrete sidewalks, and barrier free ramps. The total expenditure amount is for $129,885.


Alliance Geotechnical Group, Inc., was deemed most qualified based on their Statement of Qualifications submission for RFQ No. 2021-0378-XR.


Alliance Geotechnical Group, Inc., was deemed most qualified for this project based on previous successful materials testing experience with the City of Plano Engineering Department for similar project scope including concrete pavement and sidewalk testing, concrete drill shaft foundation inspection, and mortar testing for various screening wall projects within the City.


The benefit of this project includes verification that the materials furnished and installed by the Contractor meet or exceed project specifications and standards.


Not approving the expenditure would result in limiting the Contractor’s accountability to provide materials meeting the specified project requirements, potentially reducing the quality of materials placed and the infrastructure’s service life.


Funding for this item is available in the 2023-24 Street Improvements CIP and is planned for future years, as well.  Construction materials testing  professional services for the Screening Wall Replacement - Parkwood Boulevard, Nassau Drive, and Willow Bend Drive project, in the amount of $129,885, will leave a balance of $653,008 for future expenditures.


Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

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