Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 5/28/2024
DEPARTMENT:Technology Solutions
DIRECTOR:Roger Wright, Chief Information Officer
AGENDA ITEM:To approve the first contract modification for Permitting, Licensing, Inspections, and Code Enforcement Software Solution (Development Services Software Solution)
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Contract Modification


To approve an increase to the current awarded contract amount of $3,625,892 by $111,090 to extend the schedule by nine (9) weeks for a total contract amount of $3,736,982 from Unisys Corporation and to approve a decrease in the amount of $118,800 to the current awarded contract amount of $1,430,537 to waive the 2024 renewal fee of Avolve Software for a total contract amount of $1,311,737, resulting in a net decrease of $7,710 resulting in a revised contract total of $10,672,261 from $10,679,971 for the Development Services Software System for Technology Solutions; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents.  (Contract No. 2022-0373-BR; Modification No. 1) Approved


Previously approved by Council on June 26, 2023, the purchase of Development Services Software Solution from Unisys Corporation, Clariti Cloud, Inc., and Avolve Software was projected to incur a total contract amount of $10,679,971.


The plan to implement ProjectDox initially as a standalone product proved problematic. It was then decided to change the plan to implement ProjectDox during the project's Planning and Permitting configuration phases, consolidating its implementation within the broader project scope to better align with the business flow. This strategic decision is based on our commitment to delivering a successful solution, even in the face of challenges encountered in the initial plan. Below are the details of the cost changes:


Reduction: Avolve Software has agreed to waive the 2024 renewal fee, reducing expenses by $118,800. The next renewal date will be postponed until one year after the restart of the ProjectDox configuration, which is currently slated for October 2024.  This deferral will more than offset the increases expense below incurred due to the change in approach.


Increase: Extending the schedule by nine weeks necessitates an increase of $111,090 for Unisys services. Unisys Corporation is the software implementation vendor and maintenance provider.  This extension is due to the replanning to incorporate ProjectDox in line with our business flow.


The combined contract amount will experience a net decrease of $7,710, resulting in a revised contract total of $10,672,261(from $10,679,971).


No changes are warranted for Clariti Cloud Inc., the vendor providing the permitting, licensing, inspections, and code enforcement platform. Technology Solutions recommends approving the cost structure and implementation approach to ensure the seamless continuation of the solution implementation.


This request is to approve a contract modification to reduce the total amount of the Development Services Software Solution by $7,710.  Funding in the Technology Improvements CIP Fund totaling $697,049 was spent in FY 2022-23, and the remaining funding for implementation is available in the Technology Improvements CIP Fund in the estimated amount of $1,339,002 in FY 2023-24 and $573,211 in FY 2024-25 for an estimated total of $2,609,262.


Funding for future year maintenance and support is available in the Technology Solutions Applications Budget in the estimated amount of $555,610 for FY 2023-24; $849,282 for FY 2024-25; $873,293 for FY 2025-26; $898,007 for FY 2026-27; $923,444 for FY 2027-28; $949,625 for FY 2028-29; $976,573 for FY 2029-30; $1,004,308 for FY 2030-31; and $1,032,857 for FY 2031-32 for a total cost of $8,062,999.  All future year expenditures will occur within council approved appropriations.


Approval of this item relates to the City of Plano’s Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.