Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 6/10/2024
DEPARTMENT:Technology Solutions
DIRECTOR:Roger Wright, Chief Information Officer

To approve additional data migration services and support, crucial for the successful implementation of the Development Solutions System Replacement (DSSR) project.

RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Contract Modification


To approve an increase to the current awarded contract amount of $165,490 by $198,270, for a total contract amount of $363,760, for Additional Data Migration Services and Support from Girikon, Inc. for Technology Solutions; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (Contract No. 2023-0553-X; Modification No. 2) Approved






Previously approved by Council on September 11, 2023, Professional Services from Girikon Inc. was projected to incur a total of $150,320.


A contract modification was executed on May 9, 2024, for a four-week duration, commencing on May 13, 2024, through June 7, 2024. The modification added $15,170 to the original contract, bringing the contract total amount to $165,490.


The Professional Services contract with Girikon Inc. is crucial for the successful execution of the DSSR project. This contract includes planning and developing the processes and tools necessary to complete the migration of multiple Development Services systems and data sources to the new Development Services System application.  The services provided by Girikon, Inc. include identifying existing data sources, extracting data, transforming data, normalizing data, de-duplicating data, accelerated delivery, establishing repeatable processes for successful testing cycles, and risk mitigation.


The project identified a multitude of data sources residing outside of the current solution, TRAKiT. These sources required additional discovery and classification, the extent of which was not anticipated. The data associated with Development Services business processes must be included in the data extraction, transform, and load activities. We also determined that the overall data quality across all sources is significantly lower than expected, necessitating extensive analysis and validations beyond the original scope.


Girikon will provide additional data steward and engineering support for qualitative and quantitative data testing during the migration process. This is a strategic response to the complexity and risks identified in our project. This additional support will ensure thorough testing and validation of the data, proactively addressing potential issues and enhancing the overall success and reliability of the migration.


The expanded data migration services results in a cost increase of $198,270, bringing the total to $363,760.


The City is exempt from the competitive bid process for this purchase as allowed by Texas Local Government Code Chapter 252 Subchapter B Section 252.022(a)(4).  (City of Plano Internal Contract No. 2023-0553-X)


This request is to approve Contract Modification No. 2 to increase the total amount of the data migration services and support by $198,270 from Girikon, Inc. for a total contract amount of $363,760.  Funding for the total contract amount ($363,760) will come from the Technology Fund as follows:  $219,940 in FY 2023-24; $117,120 in FY 2024-25; and $26,700 in FY 2025-26.  All future year expenditures will occur within council approved appropriations.


Approval of this item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.