Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 6/10/2024
DIRECTOR:B. Caleb Thornhill, P.E., Director of Engineering
AGENDA ITEM:Approve a decrease in the amount of $194,174 for Sidewalk Improvements - Plano Parkway from Independence Parkway to Alma Drive, Project No. 6901.
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Change Order


To approve a decrease to the current awarded contract amount of $1,920,000 by $194,174, for a total contract amount of $1,725,826, for Sidewalk Improvements - Plano Parkway from Independence Parkway to Alma Drive, Project No. 6901, from A&C Construction, Inc. for the Engineering Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (Contract No. 2021-0213-B; Change Order No. 5) Approved


On April 26, 2021, City Council awarded RFB No. 2021-0213-B for Sidewalk Improvements - Plano Parkway from Independence Parkway to Alma Drive Project No. 6901 to MSB Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $2,442,179.


On April 6, 2022, Change Order No. 1 increased the contract amount of $2,442,179 by $11,648, for a new total contract amount of $2,453,827 to MSB Constructors, Inc.


On August 31, 2022, Change Order No. 2 increased the contract amount of $2,453,827 by $79,194, for a new total contract amount of $2,533,021 to MSB Constructors, Inc.


On November 14, 2022, Change Order No. 3 increased the contract amount of $2,533,021 by $154,618, for a total contract amount of $2,687,639 to MSB Constructors, Inc. for Sidewalk Improvements - Plano Parkway from Independence Parkway to Alma Drive Project No. 6901.


On January 4, 2023, Change Order No. 4 extended the contract time with no change to the cost.


On March 19, 2024, City Council awarded a tender agreement between the City of Plano and US Casualty and Surety Insurance Company; and a Completion Contract in the amount of $1,920,000 between the City of Plano and A&C Construction, Inc. for Sidewalk Improvements - Plano Parkway from Independence Parkway to Alma Drive Project No. 6901.


The Engineering Department recommends approval of this change order for the decrease of the current tender agreement between the City of Plano and US Casualty and Surety Company, and the current Completion Contract amount of $1,920,000 with A&C Construction, Inc., in the amount of $194,174 for a new contract total of $1,725,826 for the Sidewalk Improvements – Plano Parkway from Independence Parkway to Alma Drive project.


This change order includes the following changes:

  • Removes approximately 1000 LF of hike/bike trail on the western end of the project to avoid conflict with a wastewater line proposed to start later this summer.  The removed portion of the trail will be added to the contract for the installation of the wastewater line.


  • Relocates a portion of a waterline that conflicts with the proposed pedestrian bridge over Prairie Creek.  


If this change order is not approved, portions of the hike/bike trail would have to be removed and replaced when the wastewater line is installed.  Also, the proposed pedestrian bridge would not be able to be completed because of the existing waterline.


This item approves the first change order in the contract with A&C Construction, Inc. for construction services for the Sidewalk Improvements - Plano Parkway from Independence Parkway to Alma Drive project.  The first change order, reducing the current contract by an estimated $194,174, will leave a project balance of $202,158 for future street project expenditures


Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

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Location Map5/21/2024Map