Funding for the Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Center – Renovation was approved by voters as part of the 2021 Bond Referendum. This project includes the renovation of the locker rooms, replacement of the roof, HVAC equipment, fire alarm system, network cabling, interior finish surfaces, lighting, aquatics upgrades and other refurbishments. Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) was selected as the delivery method for this project.
On June 1, 2023, through a two-step Request for Qualifications process (RFQ 2023-0361-B), the City received qualifications from eight firms for the project. The evaluation team consisted of staff from several stakeholder departments.
The evaluation team requested the two top-scoring firms to submit proposals for pre-construction services including their fees for managing the construction of the project. The firms were then asked to present their project solution to city staff, during which they provided their pre-construction and construction approaches for the project along with their experience with similar projects.
Based on their proposed project team, fee amount, project approach and overall interview, city staff chose Lee Lewis Construction, Inc., as Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the project. On September 28, 2023, Lee Lewis Construction and the City entered into a pre-construction services agreement.
During the development of the design, Lee Lewis provided extensive feedback regarding the constructability and phasing possibilities of the project and prepared construction cost estimates for the iterations. Through this process, Lee Lewis has offered value management construction options to keep the project within budget. They have worked with city staff and the consultant/architect (LPA, Inc.) to develop a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) in the amount of $13,568,203 for the management and construction of the Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Center Renovation project. Engineering-Facilities staff and the design consultant recommend approval of the GMP for this project.
If this agenda item is not approved, the commitment of the work promised in the 2021 Bond Referendum will go uncompleted, and the Tom Muehlenbeck Recreation Center will continue to lose its appeal as the flagship recreation center for the City of Plano.