Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 9/9/2024
DEPARTMENT:Technology Solutions
DIRECTOR:Roger Wright, Chief Information Officer
AGENDA ITEM:To approve the purchase of hardware, software, implementation services and maintenance for a Fire Station Alerting System.
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Purchase from Existing Contract


To approve the purchase of implementation services, software, hardware, and maintenance for the City's Fire Station Alerting System for a one (1) year contract with up to nine (9) additional twelve (12) month automatic renewals through Honeywell International, Inc. through its US Digital Design Group in the estimated total contract amount of $2,390,431, Motorola Solutions to provide two (2) dispatch consoles with 5-years of maintenance in the estimated total contract amount of $370,766, and Central Square interfaces in the estimated total contract amount of $112,850, for a combined total amount across contracts of $2,874,047 through existing contracts; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (HGAC Contract No. EC07-23 and Texas DIR Contract No. TX DIR-TSO-4101)


The existing fire station alerting system was purchased in October 2014 and now has some architectural and functional deficiencies that need to be addressed.   These deficiencies can have potential impacts on both public safety response times as well as firefighter health and well-being.  While the City's first responders have defined contingency plans and are well-trained to adapt, a more reliable alerting system is necessary. Updating and replacing the alerting system minimizes the risk of missed or delayed calls and ensures a prompt response to emergency calls.


The USDD system offers significant advantages over the current system, directly addressing the following:

  • Improved Uptime: The USDD system architecture is simplified and modular allowing for core system module replacement in hours, often by city staff and not dependent on external support resources being scheduled, mitigating the possibility of extended station down time due to system outages.
  • Improved Alerting: The USDD system has improved architecture design in the area of station alerting components and peripherals improving redundancy and alerting configuration capabilities.
  • Mobile App Redundancy: The USDD system provides a mobile application, adding another layer of redundancy for receiving emergency calls. This ensures personnel are notified even if there are issues with in station alerts.
  • Zoned Alerting: The system offers zoned alerting capabilities, reducing unnecessary dispatches and minimizing firefighter fatigue. This promotes recovery time and optimizes resource allocation.


This upgrade will significantly enhance our overall emergency response capabilities and reliability, protect lives and property, and contribute to maintaining our ISO Class 1 rating. The fire station alerting system includes services, software licenses, dispatch center and fire station hardware, with annual maintenance for the planned 10-year lifecycle of this system and includes the following components.


The USDD system, which provides the core of the alerting capabilities, will include services, software licenses, dispatch center and fire station hardware. Initial implementation along with the first year of annual maintenance is $1,611,139 thru USDD, Inc., via HGAC contract #EC07-23. Annual recurring costs of $86,588 for years 2-10 a total $779,292.  Combined costs of the system with implementation and recurring costs is $2,390,431.


Central Square, which will provide an interface under an annual subscription from the alerting system to our Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system.  The initial set up which includes the first years annual subscription cost is $13,280. The annual recurring subscription for Year 2-10 total cost is $99,570; the combined implementation and subscription total cost is $112,850 via existing City of Plano contract #2021-0549-XR.


Motorola will provide two (2) dedicated radio consoles, which enable radio based dispatching capabilities and further enhance the overall redundancy of the system, in the amount of $256,014. Recurring maintenance for Years 2-5 total cost is $114,752; for a combined total cost of hardware and maintenance of $370,766 via contract Texas Department of Information Resources Contract # TX DIR TSO-4101.


Considering the critical nature of a reliable fire station alerting system, not approving this request may result in the potential of missed or delayed calls with delayed responses, and the lack of overall benefits of the USDD system as it relates to firefighter health and well-being.


The City is authorized to purchase from the State Contract list pursuant to Chapter 271 Subchapter D of the Texas Local Government Code and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local government to seek competitive bids for items.  (DIR # TX DIR-TSO-4101)


The City is authorized to purchase from a cooperative purchasing program with another local government or a local cooperative organization pursuant to Chapter 271 Subchapter F of the Texas Local Government Code and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local governments to seek competitive bids for items.  (HGAC# EC07-23 and City of Plano Contract No. 2024-0374-BR)


Funding for this item is available in the 2024-25 Technology Improvements CIP Fund and is planned for future years, as well.  This request is to approve a one (1) year contract with nine (9) additional automatic twelve (12) month renewal periods for Fire Station Alerting System for an estimated total of $2,874,047. The initial expenditure of $1,995,185 comprised of USDD  initial implementation and Year 1 maintenance, Central Square interface subscription and Year 1 annual cost and Motorola consoles with Years 2-5 of maintenance, will be funded out of the 2024-25 Technology Improvements CIP Fund.  Funding for future year maintenance and support is available in the Technology Solutions Applications Budget in the estimated amount of $95,618 for FY 2025-26; $96,070 for FY 2026-27; $96,544 for FY 2027-28; $97,041 for FY 2028-29; $97,564 for FY 2029-30; $98,113 for FY 2030-31; $98,689 for FY 2031-32; $99,294 for FY 2032-33; and $99,929 for FY 2033-34 for annual combined USDD and Central Square costs.  All future year expenditures will occur within council approved appropriations.


Approval of this item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.