Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 9/9/2024
DIRECTOR:B. Caleb Thornhill, P.E., Director of Engineering
AGENDA ITEM:Award a bid in the amount of $3,594,150, for Oak Grove Drive Paving, Waterline & Trail Improvements, Project No. 7459.
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Award/Rejection of Bid/Proposal


RFB No. 2024-0402-B for Oak Grove Drive Paving, Waterline & Trail Improvements, Project No. 7459, for the Engineering Department to Tri-Con Services, Inc. in the amount of $3,594,150; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents.


The Engineering Department opened bids July 18, 2024 for the Oak Grove Drive Paving, Waterline & Trail Improvements project.  The project includes the removal and replacement of full-width pavement, sidewalk, barrier free ramps, driveways, alley approaches for Oak Grove Drive from Oak Grove Court to Peachtree Lane, including Oak Grove Court. The project also includes the replacement of existing 6" waterlines and appurtenances in Oak Grove Drive. In addition to the infrastructure replacement in Oak Grove Drive, the adjacent 10'-12’ hike and bike trail in Santa Fe Park will be replaced with this project between Jupiter Road and Spring Creek Parkway as part of the Parks Department’s initiative to complete the replacement of this trail.


The lowest responsive and responsible bid was submitted by Tri-Con Services, Inc. in the amount of $3,594,150.  There were a total of 1,680 vendors notified of this project.  Nine (9) complete bids were received for the project as shown in the attached bid recap.


If this project is not awarded, concrete pavement, trail deterioration and water service interruptions will continue, resulting in increased maintenance costs and a reduction of the quality of life for area residents.


Funding for this item is budgeted in the 2024-25 Street Improvements CIP, Water CIP, and Park Improvements CIP and is planned for future years in the Street Improvements CIP, as well.  Construction services for the Oak Grove Drive Paving, Water Line & Trail Improvements project, in the total amount of $3,594,150, will leave a combined balance of $1,087,850 for future expenditures. 


Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government. 

DescriptionUpload DateType
Location Map8/12/2024Map
Bid Recap8/22/2024Bid Recap