Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 9/9/2024
DIRECTOR:Ron Smith, Director of Parks and Recreation
AGENDA ITEM:Approve an increase in the amount of $155,600 for landscape architect professional services for Chisholm Trail Extension, Project No. 7306.1
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Contract Modification


To approve an increase to the current awarded contract amount of $164,228 by $155,600, for a total contract amount of $319,828, for landscape architect professional services for Chisholm Trail Extension, Project No. 7306.1, from Freese and Nichols, Inc. for the Parks and Recreation Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (Contract No. 2021-0517-X; Modification No. 2)


On October 11, 2021, City Council approved a landscape architect professional services agreement in the amount of $156,568 for Chisholm Trail Extension, Project No. 7306.1 to Freese and Nichols, Inc. 


In October 2021, Council approved an expenditure in the amount of $156,568.00 for professional services with Freese and Nichols, Inc. for the Chisholm Trail Extension, Project No. PKR-P-7306.1.  The project contract includes conceptual planning, preliminary hydraulic and hydrologic modeling and analysis, final construction documents, bidding, and construction administrative services for a twelve-foot-wide, quarter mile long shared-use concrete recreational trail, from 15th Street to the Collin Creek Mall redevelopment.  The project will connect to the current 9.5-mile Chisholm Trail that travels along Spring Creek, from Legacy Drive to East 15th Street.


Modification No. 1 was executed on May 5, 2022 to amend the scope of services. Modification No.1 increased the total amount by $7,660 for a total of $164,228.


This contract modification will add stream bank stabilization to the scope of the project’s on-going design process.  Additionally, the project number is changing from 7306.1 to PKR-P-7306 due to the implementation of the City’s capital project management software, Masterworks. Freese and Nichols Inc., along with City Parks and Engineering staff, have identified concerns with erosion of the stream bank along approximately 225 linear feet of Spring Creek stream bank along the right bank (facing downstream) at the location of the proposed trail.  The draft Citywide Streambank Erosion Assessment Project also identifies this section of streambank as a high priority for erosion stabilization.  Specific project tasks include developing three conceptual design alternatives, a geotechnical investigation, environmental permitting, three rounds of design review, and construction documents, and construction support of the bank stabilization project.


The benefit of this contract amendment includes the construction design needed for erosion mitigation for the Chisholm Trail to ensure the lifespan of the trail can be met without future additional trail renovation or stream bank stabilization projects.  Failure to approve this item could result in construction of a trail that fails soon due to the continued erosion of the adjacent creek bank. 





Funding for this item is budgeted in the 2024-25 Municipal Drainage CIP.  The modification to the contract for engineering professional services for the Chisholm Trail Extension project, in the total amount of $155,600, will leave a balance of $844,400 for future expenditures.


Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

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