Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 9/23/2024
DIRECTOR:B. Caleb Thornhill, P.E., Director of Engineering

Approve an Agreement for Data Sharing with Inrix, Inc. to Participate in the North Central Texas Council of Governments’ (NCTCOG) Performance Analytics Project

RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Contract / Agreement


To approve the terms and conditions of an agreement between the City of Plano and Inrix, Inc. for access to the Traffic Signal Performance Measurement Platform for the DFW Region; and authorizing its execution by the City Manager. Approved


The Transportation Engineering Division recommends approval of the terms and conditions of a data sharing agreement between the City of Plano and Inrix, Inc. for traffic signal performance measures.


The North Central Texas Council of Governments has executed an agreement with Inrix, Inc. establishing the Traffic Signal Performance Measurement Platform for the DFW Region. Inrix, Inc. is the NCTCOG’s exclusive vendor for the performance analytics platform.


The Transportation Engineering Division has been invited to participate in the NCTCOG performance analytics project. The NCTCOG is providing access to the regional platform at no cost to the City. Inrix, Inc. requires that the City of Plano execute a sub-agreement to the NCTCOG’s agreement in order to participate in the project.


The benefit of the project is access to the regional Traffic Signal Performance Measurement Platform, which utilizes the Inrix traffic dataset to generate intersection and corridor performance metrics such as congestion level, travel time, and delay. The platform supports analysis of both current and historical conditions, and provides insights not available through the use of traditional traffic counts or visual observation of traffic flows. This data would be beneficial in the day-to-day analysis and operations of the City’s traffic management system, including traffic signal timing improvements, both at individual intersections and along corridors.


Not approving the agreement would result in the City not participating in the project, and not having access to the traffic signal performance data via the regional platform.


This item has no financial impact.


Approval of this item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

DescriptionUpload DateType
Executed Agreement9/11/2024Agreement