Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 10/14/2024
DIRECTOR:Ed Drain, Chief of Police
AGENDA ITEM:Matching Funds for FY 24/25 TxDot Traffic Safety Grant
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Adoption of Resolutions


To authorize the City of Plano to participate in and receive funding through the Texas Highway Traffic Safety Program for the Intersection Traffic Control Project, PIN 17560006409000, targeting intersections regulated by a signal light; authorizing the City Manager or his authorized designee to execute the grant agreement and any other documents necessary to effectuate the action taken: and providing an effective date. Adopted Resolution No. 2024-10-1(R)


In 2002, we applied to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for grant funds to place additional enforcement at several problem intersections where red light crashes were resulting in injuries and deaths.


We are requesting approval to accept the FY 24/25 grant of $153,805.58 for traffic enforcement, $33,832.43 of which will be the required City match ($119,973.15 in federal funds and $33,832.43 in local funds).  This grant is a 78%/22%  matching grant.


We are requesting the match in hard dollars for salaries and benefits in the amount of $33,832.43 be funded from the Traffic Safety Fund.


The grant will fund added speed and intersection enforcement at documented high crash locations throughout the City.


Traffic safety is one of our four Performance Measures.  If funding is not approved, the Police Department’s traffic enforcement activities will be adversely impacted and the state’s matching funds will be forfeited. 



The grant contract, if approved, provides an 78% STEP Grant reimbursement, in the estimated annual amount of $119,973 from TXDOT to reimburse police officer overtime expenditures, benefits, operating expenditures, and administrative support related to enforcing traffic intersection laws during FY 2024-25.  The required City "match" of 2024-25 expenditures, at 22%, totals approximately $33,832, which will be included within the 2024-25 Traffic Safety Fund Budget.  


Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government that supports Safe, Vibrant Neighborhoods.              

DescriptionUpload DateType
STEP Grant Resolution10/2/2024Resolution
EXHIBIT A - STEP Grant Agreement10/8/2024Agreement