The Engineering Department recommends approval of an expenditure in the amount of $124,508 for engineering professional services from Schaumburg & Polk, Inc. for the Paving Improvements - Los Rios Boulevard at Plano East Senior High School-Project No. ENG-S-00017. This project includes modification of existing median openings in the north and south bound lanes along Los Rios Blvd adjacent to Plano East Senior High School, and the addition of two new right turn lanes in the northbound direction entering Plano East Senior High School.
Schaumberg & Polk, Inc. was deemed most qualified based on their Statement of Qualifications submission for RFQ No. 2021-0377-X. They have previous experience on similar projects with the City of Plano Engineering Department including Pavement and Waterline Replacement for Japonica Lane, Jasmine Court, Puma Drive and R Avenue. Their team also has extensive experience on similar projects that involve pedestrian facilities, street improvements, and franchise utility coordination.
The benefit of this project includes modifications that will improve the efficiency of ingress and egress during peak school hours, and increase safety of traffic turning movements entering and exiting the adjacent school. The addition of two new right turn lanes into the Plano East Senior High School will increase traffic capacity, increase safety, and reduce delays, improving the quality of life for motorists and pedestrians attending the high school.
Not approving the expenditure would result in continued traffic flow efficiency and safety issues during peak hours, resulting in continued delays and an increase for potential vehicle accidents for vehicles entering and exiting the school, decreasing the quality of life for motorists and pedestrians attending the high school.