Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 1/13/2025
DIRECTOR:Ron Smith, Director of Parks and Recreation
AGENDA ITEM:Public Hearing and consideration of a Resolution, pursuant to Chapter 26 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code.
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Items for Individual Consideration


Public Hearing and consideration of a Resolution to approve the use or taking of a portion of City of Plano public parkland, known as Chisholm Trail at Parker Road, pursuant to Chapter 26 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code to approve using a portion of dedicated parkland as an electric easement and right-of-way for the purpose of installing electric equipment on existing overhead structures; authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute al necessary documents; and providing an effective date. Conducted and adopted Resolution No. 2025-1-8(R)


This is a request by Oncor for a 0.192-acre electric easement and right-of-way, for the purpose of replacing and installing electric equipment on existing overhead structures, on a portion of the City of Plano parkland, known as Chisholm Trail at Parker Road.  There are no constructed improvements or trees impacted by the project or easement, and installation of the new switch will not impact trail service. 


Chapter 26, Section 26.001 of the Parks And Wildlife Code states that “A department, agency, political subdivision, county, or municipality of this state may not approve any program or project that requires the use or taking of any public land designated and used prior to the arrangement of the program or project as a park, recreation area, scientific area, wildlife refuge, or historic site, unless the department, agency, political subdivision, county, or municipality, acting through its duly authorized governing body or officer, determines that:


(1) there is no feasible and prudent alternative to the use or taking of such land; and
(2) the program or project includes all reasonable planning to minimize harm to the land, as a park, recreation area, scientific area, wildlife refuge, or historic site, resulting from the use or taking.”

The matter was heard by the Parks and Recreation Planning Board on November 12, 2024, and received the Board’s support. No future action is anticipated.


Oncor will compensate the City the fair market value for the permanent easement necessary for its project based on a third-party appraisal.  Revenue received from granting an easement will be deposited to the Park Improvements CIP and used towards future park land acquisition expenses.


Approval of this item supports the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.

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