Item Coversheet
MEETING DATE: 1/13/2025
DEPARTMENT:Technology Solutions
DIRECTOR:Roger Wright, Chief Information Officer
AGENDA ITEM:Approval of contract modification with BerryDunn for Community Development System Implementation
RECOMMENDED ACTION:Approval of Contract Modification


To approve a decrease to the current awarded contract amount of $884,080 by $569,067, for a total contract amount of $315,013, for Community Development System Implementation from BerryDunn for Technology Solutions; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (TIPS Contract No. 200601 / City of Plano Contract No. 2023-0504-X, Contract Modifcation No. 1) Approved


On June 26, 2023, Council approved the purchase of professional service support for Community Development System implementation oversight for Technology Solutions Department in the amount of $884,080 from BerryDunn.


When the Council initially approved BerryDunn's engagement, their expertise was considered essential to ensuring the success of this complex and multi-vendor led project.  City staff needed resources in the areas of best practices in development services and relied heavily on BerryDunn’s guidance to address project structure and critical challenges.


With the realignment of the project, the City assigned the primary implementation to the product owner with the addition of a tenured subject matter expert third party partner.   This has simplified the implementation to a single vendor for City engagement.   The City strengthened its internal capacity by onboarding and developing staff with the necessary skills.  With BerryDunn’s support to date, we established robust strategies and plans that now enable us to sustain progress with less external input.  As a result, the project has reached a stage where BerryDunn’s scope can be reduced to focus on specific areas requiring their expertise rather than broad oversight.


The City is authorized to purchase from the State Contract list pursuant to Chapter 271 Subchapter D of the Texas Local Government Code and by doing so satisfies any State Law requiring local government to seek competitive bids for items. (The Interlocal Purchasing System Contract No. TIPS 200601 / City of Plano Internal Contract No. 2023-0504-X)


This request is to approve a contract modification to reduce the initial professional service support contract amount of $884,080 by $569,067, for a total contract cost of $315,013. Funding for the remaining years of the contract, in the amount of $60,000, is available in the Technology Fund.


Approval of this item relates to the City of Plano’s Strategic Plan Critical Success Factors of Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government.