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| | | | | | | | MEETING DATE: | 1/27/2025 | DEPARTMENT: | Public Works | DIRECTOR: | Abby Owens, Director of Public Works | AGENDA ITEM: | Approve an expenditure in the amount of $200,000 for construction materials testing professional services for Material Testing - Residential 2025, Project No. PW-S-00070 | RECOMMENDED ACTION: | Approval of Expenditure |
| | | | | | | | ITEM SUMMARY To approve an expenditure for construction materials testing professional services for Material Testing - Residential 2025, Project No. PW-S-00070, in the amount of $200,000 from TEAM Consultants, Inc. for the Public Works Department; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved |
| | | | | | | | BACKGROUND Public Works recommends the approval of the Material Testing - Residential 2025 contract to TEAM Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $200,000; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents.
This Construction Materials Testing Professional Services Agreement is for the material testing services required for residential street, alley, and sidewalk rehabilitation projects. The testing verifies that contractors are constructing improvements in accordance with City of Plano specifications, which ensures quality and long-lasting repairs.
If this expenditure is not approved, the City will not have the ability to perform tests to verify that construction materials meet the City’s standards and additional costs may be incurred in the future to replace substandard work.
TEAM Consultants, Inc. was selected based on their statement of qualifications submission for RFQ No. 2021-0378-XR. TEAM Consultants, Inc. has successfully completed projects similar in scope and scale for the City of Plano and other surrounding municipalities. TEAM Consultants, Inc. is accredited by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the Concrete and Cement Reference Laboratory. |
| | | | | | | | FINANCIAL SUMMARY/STRATEGIC GOALS Funding for this item is budgeted in the FY 2024-25 Street Improvements CIP and is planned for future years, as well. Award of the Construction Materials Testing Professional Services Agreement for the Material Testing - Residential 2025 project, in the total amount of $200,000 will utilize all funds allocated for this project.
Approval of this item will support the City's Strategic Plan Critical Success Factor of being an Excellent, Innovative, and Accountable City Government. |