High Point Park was acquired in 1977 and designated as a community park in 1985. Over the past 40 years, the site has experienced several modifications, the most recent being in 2020, when outdated sports lighting was replaced with Musco LED fixtures. High Point Park continues to operate as a home for local youth and adult sports leagues, as well as a host site for regional, state and national tournaments. The High Point Park North Restroom Building Replacement Project will replace the 40-year-old restroom building and bring the site up to current standards to meet capacity demands.
On January 30, 2025, the Parks and Recreation Department opened bids for the High Point Park North Restroom Building Replacement Project, No. PKR-P-7506. As shown on the attached bid recap, a total of 1,770 vendors were notified; nine (9) bids were submitted along with five (5) No Bids. The lowest responsive and responsible bid was submitted by RoeschCo Construction, LLC in the amount of $2,004,115. Based on qualifications and pricing, Plano Parks and Recreation recommends accepting RoeschCo Construction’s bid as the lowest responsive and responsible bid for the project, conditioned upon the timely execution of all necessary documentation.
This ten (10)-month project includes replacing the forty-year-old existing restroom with a new facility featuring six stalls for each gender, ensuring compliance with ADA standards and meeting the park’s service demands. The project also includes a concrete pad for the storage of park equipment and a living screen around the storage pad.
The engineer’s estimate for this project is $2,272,490.
Failure to award this project will result in continued deterioration of the 40-year-old restroom facilities which will reduce the park's service quality. Not proceeding with the project would lead to higher maintenance costs, and insufficient service for local leagues and tournaments.