C I T Y  C O U N C I L

1520 K Avenue, Plano,Texas 75074

DATE:  July 24, 2017


TIME:   7:00 PM


PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE / TEXAS PLEDGE: Jr. Girl Scout Troop 3460 - Harrington Elementary



The City Council may convene into Executive Session to discuss posted items in the regular meeting as allowed by law. 


Presentation:  The City of Plano has received an award from Keep Texas Beautiful in the Media and Communications category. Presented



This portion of the meeting is to allow up to five (5) minutes per speaker with thirty (30) total minutes on items of interest or concern and not on items that are on the current agenda. The Council may not discuss these items, but may respond with factual or policy information. The Council may choose to place the item on a future agenda.


The Consent Agenda will be acted upon in one motion and contains items which are routine and typically noncontroversial.  Items may be removed from this agenda for individual discussion by a Council Member, the City Manager or any citizen.  Citizens are limited to two (2) items and discussion time of three (3) minutes each.







VIDEOApproval of Minutes

June 21, 2017

June 28, 2017


VIDEOApproval of Expenditures
VIDEOAward/Rejection of Bid/Proposal: (Purchase of products/services through formal procurement process by this agency)

Bid No. 2017-0437-P for an initial term of $1,597,773 or two (2) years, whichever occurs first, with two (2) City optional renewals for the Pavement Maintenance Requirements Contract - Minor Repairs III for Public Works to Jerusalem Corporation in the amount of $1,597,773 for each term; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


Bid No. 2017-0436-P for an initial term of $1,657,777 or two (2) years, whichever occurs first, with two (2) City optional renewals for the Arterial Concrete Pavement Maintenance Requirements Contract II for Public Works to Jerusalem Corporation in the amount of $1,657,777 for each term; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved


Bid No. 2017-0438-B for Carpenter Park - Coit Road Traffic Signal, Project No. 6638, to Rebcon, Inc. in the amount of $381,620; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved

VIDEOPurchase from an Existing Contract
(e)To approve the purchase of one (1) Ford Transit 350 with CUES CCTV Inspection Equipment for Fleet Services to be utilized by Utility Operations in the amount of $240,416 from Rush Truck Centers of Texas, LP through an existing BuyBoard contract; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents.  (BuyBoard Contract No. 521-16)  Pulled, will be brought back at future meeting
VIDEOApproval of Contract: (Purchase of products/services exempt from State of Texas Competitive Bid Laws)
(f)To approve and authorize an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement by and between City of Plano, Texas and Dallas County Community College District for Richland College for educational services in the estimated annual expenditure of $30,000; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved

To approve and authorize an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement by and between City of Plano, Texas and City of Sachse, Texas to allow employees of the City of Sachse, Texas to attend classes offered by City of Plano Professional Development Center in the estimated annual receivable of $1,000; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved

(h)To approve and authorize an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement by and between City of Plano, Texas and The University of Texas at Dallas for educational services in the estimated annual expenditure of $10,000; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved
VIDEOApproval of Contract Modification

To approve Contract Modification No. 4 increasing the contract amount for the purchase of professional engineering services for Park Boulevard Corridor–Intersection Improvements in the amount of $72,000 from Pacheco Koch Consulting Engineers, Inc.; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents.  This modification will provide for revisions to the current design to update the plans to the new City standard details, make additional revisions requested by the City and provide revised construction phasing at the Coit – Park intersection to ease traffic flow during construction. Approved


To approve the terms and conditions of a Second Amendment to Communications Facilities License by and between the City of Plano, Texas, and Sprint Spectrum Realty Company, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, authorizing its execution by the City Manager; and providing an effective date. Approved

VIDEOApproval of Expenditure

To ratify an expenditure in the amount of $118,128 to furnish and install booster pumps, pump drive, pressure transducers, pump enclosure, concrete pads, trenching and electrical improvements at Buckhorn Park with J.C. Commercial, Inc.; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. (Change Order No. 5) Approved


To approve an expenditure in the amount of $375,000 for an Architectural Services Agreement by and between the City of Plano and JBI Partners, Inc. for High Point Tennis Center Renovations; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved

(m)To approve an expenditure in the amount of $19,392 to MuniServices, LLC; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved

To ratify an expenditure in the amount of $12,892 for additional materials testing from Terracon Consultants, Inc. for the Carpenter Park Pool Expansion project; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents.  (Project No. 6448; Contract Modification No. 1) Approved

(o)To approve an expenditure in the amount of $1,379,000 for architectural services from Brinkley Sargent Wiginton Architects, Inc. for the Police Substation at McDermott & Robinson project; and authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents. Approved
VIDEOAdoption of Resolutions

Resolution No. 2017-7-1(R): To appoint an Associate Judge of the Municipal Court of Record of the City of Plano, setting the terms of office and compensation for the Judge; and providing an effective date. Adopted







Resolution No. 2017-7-2(R): To nominate Toyota Motor Credit Corporation to the Office of the Governor Economic Development and Tourism (“OOGEDT”) through the Economic Development Bank (“Bank”) for designation as a qualified business and an enterprise project (“Project”) under the Texas Enterprise Zone Program under the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, Chapter 2303, Texas Government Code (“Act”); and providing an effective date. Adopted


Resolution No. 2017-7-3(R): To approve amended Bylaws of the Plano Improvement Corporation; and providing an effective date. Adopted

(s)Resolution No. 2017-7-4(R): To support Collin County transportation priorities. Adopted 

Resolution No. 2017-7-5(R): A Resolution of Respect - Russell Charles Kissick Adopted

VIDEOAdoption of Ordinances

Ordinance No. 2017-7-6: To authorize the issuance of "City of Plano, Texas, General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2017A"; levying a continuing direct annual ad valorem tax for the payment of said Bonds; resolving other matters incident and related to the issuance, sale, payment and delivery of said Bonds; establishing procedures for the sale and delivery of said Bonds; and delegating matters relating to the sale and issuance of said Bonds to an authorized City official; and providing a severability clause and an effective date. Adopted


Public Hearing Items:


Applicants are limited to fifteen (15) minutes presentation time with a five (5) minute rebuttal, if needed. Remaining speakers are limited to thirty (30) total minutes of testimony time, with three (3) minutes assigned per speaker. The presiding officer may extend these times as deemed necessary.


Non-Public Hearing Items:


The Presiding Officer may permit limited public comment for items on the agenda not posted for a Public Hearing. The Presiding Officer will establish time limits based upon the number of speaker requests, length of the agenda, and to ensure meeting efficiency, and may include a cumulative time limit. Speakers will be called in the order cards are received until the cumulative time is exhausted.


Public Hearing and adoption of Resolution No. 2017-7-7(R) adopting the 2017-2018 Action Plan, including the summary of Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnerships Program activities and proposed use of funds for program year 2017-2018; and providing an effective date. Conducted and Adopted





Resolution No. 2017-7-8(R): To authorize the filing of applications for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development funds in an amount not to exceed $1,576,105 under the Housing and Community Development Act and the HOME Investment Partnerships Act; designating the City Manager as Chief Executive Officer and authorized representative of the City for the purpose of giving required assurances, acting in connection with said application and providing required information; and providing an effective date. Adopted


Public Hearing and adoption of Ordinance No. 2017-7-9 as requested in Zoning Case 2017-014 to amend, delete, and add various portions of Articles 8 (Definitions), 10 (Nonresidential Districts), 13 (Lot and Building Standards), 14 (Allowed Uses and Use Classifications), 16 (Parking and Loading), 17 (Landscaping and Tree Preservation), 19 (Open Storage and Outside Display), and 21 (Residential Adjacency Standards) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, Ordinance No. 2015-5-2, as heretofore amended, pertaining to open storage and outside display and related requirements; and providing a penalty clause, a repealer clause, a savings clause, a severability clause, a publication clause, and an effective date.  Applicant: City of Plano Conducted and Adopted

Municipal Center is wheelchair accessible.  A sloped curb entry is available at the main entrance facing Municipal/L Avenue, with specially marked parking spaces nearby.  Access and special parking are also available on the north side of the building.  The Senator Florence Shapiro Council Chambers is accessible by elevator to the lower level.  Requests for sign interpreters or special services must be received forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting time by calling the City Secretary at 972-941-7120.